Just Show Up
Novelist Joey C has a different take on all of this:
“My take is that the rules differ for each person and maybe even for each novel. The only unbreakable rule I've discovered is "Just Show UP!" That means sit down at the computer every single day and even if no inspiration comes, write. Write a grocery list or a letter or a poem or a short story or nonsense words but don't get up until you feel you have something down that you can use.”
So, despite what everyone may say, what the writing books may advise, the friends may suggest, at the end of the day, writing a novel is really about Just Showing Up.
So go ahead and give it a short. Like running a marathon it will be painful/excruciating/maddening but when you are done it will be the accomplishment of a lifetime.
And if it actually sells well, you’ll have made your dream a living.
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I gained some knowledge from this that I had previously not read somewhere in my vast reading of writing tip books and articles and interviews, etc. More than anything, this gave me hope and courage to follow through and perhaps try to self-publish as an e-book on Kindle when I'm done with the gazillion of edits I know I'm in for. I am ready to take it on. Thank you for the inspiration and hopefulness.
Amcii Cullum Bellamy
amcii cullum bellamy