So You Want to Write a Novel?

Status: Finished

So You Want to Write a Novel?

Status: Finished

So You Want to Write a Novel?

Book by: SolN


Genre: Other

Content Summary

It’s said that everyone has a novel in them. And judging by what people are saying quite a few are in the process of writing one. Indeed, almost half the people I know are either writing a novel, thinking about writing a novel, or dreaming about writing a novel. So, if you have a good idea, have an itch to write that just won’t go away, and dream maybe of seeing your work on the shelf, here’s some advice on how to start the process and see it through.

I take this advice from watching the thousands of writers passing through TheNextBigWriter and Booksie sites which I have developed.


Content Summary

It’s said that everyone has a novel in them. And judging by what people are saying quite a few are in the process of writing one. Indeed, almost half the people I know are either writing a novel, thinking about writing a novel, or dreaming about writing a novel. So, if you have a good idea, have an itch to write that just won’t go away, and dream maybe of seeing your work on the shelf, here’s some advice on how to start the process and see it through.

I take this advice from watching the thousands of writers passing through TheNextBigWriter and Booksie sites which I have developed.

Author Chapter Note

Whether you get traditionally published or self-publish your novel, it will be your responsibility to promote the book. If you wish to sell your novel, finishing and publishing the book is just the beginning of the process.

Chapter Content - ver.1

Submitted: November 19, 2014

A A A | A A A

Chapter Content - ver.1

Submitted: November 19, 2014



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Promoting Your Novel

Whether you get traditionally published or self-publish your novel, it will be your responsibility to promote the book. If you wish to sell your novel, finishing and publishing the book is just the beginning of the process.

Book promotion is an exhaustive topic. Because we are an Internet writing site, we will provide some tips on how to use the Internet as a part of your promotion strategy.

The Internet has become a vast resource that authors can use to generate sales and publicity, if done right. Here are some tactics you can use to help generate interest in your novel and develop a fan-base that will help with your promotion efforts.

  • Develop a website for you and your writing. Find your favorite published author and copy their site.
  • Join as many free writing communities as you can and start contributing and posting excerpts of your novel. The more you contribute in these communities the more exposure you will receive. If readers like your work you’ll start to develop a fan-base.
  • Utilize social networking sites like Facebook and Goodreads to gain more exposure.
  • Watch your fans grow and the visits to your pages and website increase.
  • Enter and win an award or two online. IveyBanks on TheNextBigWriter received extensive write-ups across the web and the print-world for winning TheNextBigWriter Award – before her novel was even published!
  • Distribute a press-release detailing your accomplishments, quotes from readers, etc.
  • Do some very targeted keyword advertising via Google AdWords, Bing, or even Facebook. If done right, you can earn more in book sales than you have spent in book advertising.
  • Keep building your presence. 

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