Premium Organizer Tools

TheNextBigWriter provides Premium Members with tools to help organize the feedback and review process.

Apply Feedback

The Apply Feedback tool is a button that helps members organize the feedback they receive on the site. A writer may receive hundreds of reviews and keeping track of which feedback has been applied to a manuscript and which has not can be a daunting task. The Applied Feedback button allows writers to indicate when they have applied a given review to their manuscript, organizing the process and ensuring that all feedback is vetted and applied, if desired.

Review Bookmark

The Review Bookmark tool helps members organize the reading and reviewing of other writers on the site. The tool keeps track of which content a member has read and left a review on as well as the type of review. The system keeps track of this review history so that the member can focus on providing the very best feedback to a fellow member of the site.

Both of these tools are available to Premium Members.

Welcome New Writers