I originally published this book as a series of pages on the old TheNextBigWriter site. With the launch of the new site, I wanted to transfer it over and begin to update the content. When the original book came out, Myspace was the dominant social network and the Kindle had never been invented. It has never been a better time to be a writer. I truly believe the Internet has democratized the publishing process and brought writing out from the dark ages. No longer do we write alone, begging our significant others to take a look at a manuscript that might remain locked away forever.
How does an individual know they are ready to write a novel? It's sort of like running a marathon. Some people consider the task ahead, mull it over, and then finally decide to take the plunge. Others wake up one day and say: "I think I will write a novel."
Whatever path brings you to the starting point, I salute you. I have been working on a novel for the past 13 years (yes, I might finally find the time to get it done this year). I salute the writers out there who work after-hours, in the early mornings before work, after the kids are in bed, or whenever they can grab a few minutes of time.
I want to thank members of TheNextBigWriter who contributed to the project and I hope to update the content with more insight from other members and passersby. I welcome your comments and thoughts and hope this book provides some guidance and inspiration and if you are thinking of embarking on the novel path.
© Copyright 2024 SolN. All rights reserved.
Regular reviews are a general comments about the work read. Provide comments on plot, character development, description, etc.
In-line reviews allow you to provide in-context comments to what you have read. You can comment on grammar, word usage, plot, characters, etc.
So who were these contributors to this project of yours? And how come I wasn't invited? Just kidding with you. Maybe. But in your second-to-last sentence, it should be passersby. Sorry, couldn't help it. You know, a reviewer's mindset. Jack
Feel free to leave feedback. With the new comment system, you can leave as many comments as you want and you can even comment on your own writing.
jack the knife