Topic: Bugs & Maintenance Requests
I'm restoring this thread post-crash. It's intended for reporting bugs and requesting maintenance, including reporting spam acccounts, reassigning group ownership, deleting groups, etc.
TheNextBigWriter Premium → Bugs & Maintenance Requests
I'm restoring this thread post-crash. It's intended for reporting bugs and requesting maintenance, including reporting spam acccounts, reassigning group ownership, deleting groups, etc.
Sol, when you have a moment, can you please make this thread and the minor enhancements thread sticky?
I purpose calling the crash the 'big blip' in which we re-emerge on the site the same age we were before the 'big blip.'
I purpose calling the crash the 'big blip' in which we re-emerge on the site the same age we were before the 'big blip.'
I love it!
No diggity, Dagny. I wanna be ONLY 40 again, too. But, seriously... I kinda/sorta wanna read and review some of these new writers but the problem is... I can't be sure if my reviews are even getting thru. Let alone responded to. Because my Premium TNBW membership ain't what it used to be. I understand Sol might be overwhelmed at the moment, trying to fix this shit and that shinola, but at the same time I'm a bit underwhelmed by the performance of this website. A website I've been patronizing with my time and money for nearly twenty years now. Like any other transaction; caveat emptor is a factor, but... Well, maybe I trusted too much. After so many successful years of posting and positing with nary a complaint... I got complacent. I dunno. I'm still willing to give Sol the benefit of the doubt. For now.
Also.. You PURPOSE calling the the crash a big blip? Or... You PROPOSE calling the crash a big blip? Just wondering. See? I really do wanna REVIEW the hell outta somebody!
Before the offtopic discussions get too large, could I ask folks to break out a different thread? The purpose of this thread is outlined in the first post. Sol has to be able to go through these posts and actually find real requests, which is why I hope to keep this and the Minor Enhancement threads on track.
Before the offtopic discussions get too large, could I ask folks to break out a different thread? The purpose of this thread is outlined in the first post. Sol has to be able to go through these posts and actually find real requests, which is why I hope to keep this and the Minor Enhancement threads on track.
It was a joke, to be laughed at as an example of a minor inhancememt. I stole it from Endgame and hoped someone would get it. So the jokes on me, not only did I get the wrong forum I used the wrong spelling of proposed. So, dear Dirk, consider me property humbled and apologetic. The next time I want to share a joke here, I will think better of it.
Sol, when you have a moment, can you please make this thread and the minor enhancements thread sticky?
Done. Thanks.
I discovered an interesting bug related to inline reviews. I received an inline review from someone with no inline comments (he already reviewed the chapter before the crash), but with a closing comment. I received the site's email informing me of the new review, but the only way to access it is by clicking the link in the email. The review does not show up in the Inline Reviews tab, nor at the bottom of the chapter where other reviews are listed, and there's no indication on the home page that I have a new review. Once I delete the email, I won't be able to access it anymore. The site should probably cough up a warning message that there are no inline comments, and it definitely should be visible like any other review.
I discovered an interesting bug related to inline reviews. I received an inline review from someone with no inline comments (he already reviewed the chapter before the crash), but with a closing comment. I received the site's email informing me of the new review, but the only way to access it is by clicking the link in the email. The review does not show up in the Inline Reviews tab, nor at the bottom of the chapter where other reviews are listed, and there's no indication on the home page that I have a new review. Once I delete the email, I won't be able to access it anymore. The site should probably cough up a warning message that there are no inline comments, and it definitely should be visible like any other review.
Interesting. It's a big of an edge case but it does warrant some type of message. We'll take a look. Thanks for passing it along.
BTW, I'm still experiencing error messages in the forum. Very annoying. I thought they were fixed but I guess not. I'm going to have that taken care of also.
Thanks, Sol.
Either I'm having a senior moment (quite possible) or the site used to have spellchecking in certain places but no longer does. Unfortunately, I can't remember which fields those were.
Has anyone else encountered this?
Since I downloaded Grammarly (4 years ago), that's been my default spellchecker... I can't remember if one existed before.
It seems to be missing from the text fields one uses to enter individual inline comments. I'm virtually certain it used to be there.
I think it also used to exist for the main text box of private messages.
It seems to be missing from the text fields one uses to enter individual inline comments. I'm virtually certain it used to be there.
I think it also used to exist for the main text box of private messages.
There is no box you can click on the individual inline comments or the main text box of private messages, spell check is automatic. I tested both and both times a red line appeared under the misspelled word.
I tested them earlier, before I reported the issue, and they didn't work for me. I keep having to look up words in my online dictionary to get the spelling right.
I tested them earlier, before I reported the issue, and they didn't work for me. I keep having to look up words in my online dictionary to get the spelling right.
Spell check on this site might be an extension of my Word. I know Office will complete sentences for me in the forum, it will also identify grammar mistakes with a blue line. So, that might be the difference.
I guess we could ask Sol, or someone else who is having the same issue as you're having.
Dagny. Whether you welcome me or not, I've been rendered unable to read or review your work. Which doesn't seem correct. Unless you specifically went outta your way to make it that way. Website bugs or... Deliberate sentience? Asking for a friend.
Sol, when I get emails sent to me by TNBW, and I click on the link within (e.g., to go to a new message from another member), my security software (Bitdefender) intercepts my attempt to do so, and kicks up an error message like the following (edited for brevity):
Your connection to this web page is not safe due to an unmatching security certificate.
This means that the certificate was issued for a different web address than the one it is being used for, and you run the risk of exposing your data by accessing this page.
I can force my way past it, although I never do so at any other site. I'd prefer not to have to do it here either since there's always a chance the site's been hacked.
Another item: Sol, have you had a chance to look at the functioning of spellchecking on various important TNBW text fields? I no longer recall which ones had/didn't have spellchecking, but there definitely was more of it before the crash. I especially find myself looking up plenty of words when posting to the forum.
EDIT: Found the problem. My browser (Chrome) is able to spellcheck words in at least some TNBW text fields (e.g., forum posts) but the feature was off. Not sure how that happened. But that seems to be the fix.
EDIT 2: Did a little more testing. Chrome's spellchecking seems to work on ALL major TNBW text fields except the closing comment to an inline review and the closing comment when responding to that review.
Sol, when I get emails sent to me by TNBW, and I click on the link within (e.g., to go to a new message from another member), my security software (Bitdefender) intercepts my attempt to do so, and kicks up an error message like the following (edited for brevity):
Your connection to this web page is not safe due to an unmatching security certificate.
This means that the certificate was issued for a different web address than the one it is being used for, and you run the risk of exposing your data by accessing this page.I can force my way past it, although I never do so at any other site. I'd prefer not to have to do it here either since there's always a chance the site's been hacked.
I'll check this out. Might be something with our email configurations.
Another item: Sol, have you had a chance to look at the functioning of spellchecking on various important TNBW text fields? I no longer recall which ones had/didn't have spellchecking, but there definitely was more of it before the crash. I especially find myself looking up plenty of words when posting to the forum.
EDIT: Found the problem. My browser (Chrome) is able to spellcheck words in at least some TNBW text fields (e.g., forum posts) but the feature was off. Not sure how that happened. But that seems to be the fix.
EDIT 2: Did a little more testing. Chrome's spellchecking seems to work on ALL major TNBW text fields except the closing comment to an inline review and the closing comment when responding to that review.
The site never had spell-check. I think it was all your browser. Nothing should have changed on the site pre and post crash to have changed the way the fields interact with the spell check. Maybe something changes on the browser side? I'll do a quick search and see if there is something we need to add.
Yes, it was mostly the browser in my case. However, spell-checking in the closing comment fields in inline reviews and replies to inline reviews haven't worked in ages, if ever. Not sure why those two fields don't work with the browser's spell-checking even though everything else does. Seabrass put in a maintenance or enhancement request before the crash asking if they could be made to work.
I run Google Chrome.
Sol, since the extra exposure for NextBigWriter members using the new Booksie feature is likely to result in more new members here (yay!), can you please fix the confusing text related to quickees (once on the Profile tab and two times on the Quickees tab)? It's a feature typically used by new members who don't yet have a lot of connections for private messaging, and many of them accidentally send themselves quickees.
The current text has wording roughly like this: "This is where you can leave a message for the writer." However, members who receive new quickees read them on their own Profile tab or their own Quickees tab, then try to reply to that quickee by typing in the quickee text field on that same tab (theirs), thinking they're responding to the quickee when, in reality, they're just sending themselves one and never hear back from the member to whom they intended to send the quickee. Many new members run into this.
A very simple fix would be to replace "the writer" with the member name of the member to whom the quickee will be sent.
If I'm on my own Profile or Quickees tab, I would then see "This is where you can leave a message for Dirk B." and I would know not to use that field from my own Profile and Quickees tabs.
And if I were on, for example, Cathy's Profile or Quickees tab, I would see: "This is where you can leave a message for C.E. Jones."
TheNextBigWriter Premium → Bugs & Maintenance Requests