Sol, I'm seeing a few new bugs in the forums, some of which are serious because if the system times us out (it very often does), anything you were trying to post is lost, which sometimes take a long time to write up (e.g., for brainstorming with other members).
- prior to the crash, when I spent a little too much time in the forums writing a single post, the post would be accepted, but the site would log me out anyway
- now, if I take too long writing the post, I get an error message to the effect that I don't have permission to access that page (something like that) and my intended post is lost; if I log back in, I can post without the above error, although I then sometimes get error #2, below
- I'm getting a message when I post to the effect that the site couldn't access email. I'm guessing the site is trying to notify everyone who is following the thread to which I posted that there's a new post in the thread, although I'm just guessing about that
3.) I also sometimes get an error upon posting that "the link is incorrect" (words to that effect).
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