Topic: Strongest Start

Hi all,

Just an update on the contest and the final round winners. I am waiting on the judges to provide me with their scores. Once I receive them, I will post the winners. Sorry for the delay, but it is out of my hands until I hear back from them.


Re: Strongest Start

While we wait...

Re: Strongest Start

Hi all, I'm still waiting to hear back from one of the judges. I apologize for the delay. If I don't hear shortly, I may have to exclude their voting from the competition.


Re: Strongest Start

Maybe it'll be worth the wait. smile

Re: Strongest Start

I wasn't really hoping much. I know the extreme talent I'm up against. But I saw this post and got a little excited.

Re: Strongest Start

I still haven't heard back. I'm going to give it a few more days and then make a decision. I may just have to use the votes from the judges who got back to me. I just wanted to keep everyone updated.


Re: Strongest Start


Re: Strongest Start

Jeez, Sol, judges that don't get back to you? And the winner to be decided by less than a full judge panel? I've got no dog in this fight, but this isn't right - and not what the entrants signed up for. Those judges who have gone AWOL should not be asked to participate in the future.

Re: Strongest Start

Those judges who have gone AWOL should not be asked to participate in the future.

I'm very disappointed in this. It's the first time it's happened to in a contest and they certainly will not be asked back in the future. I am hoping I will hear from then soon.

Re: Strongest Start

Good to see I didn't miss the winner after being gone for three weeks. Okay, you can post it now. Take care. Vern

Re: Strongest Start

Ok, and thanks for all your hard work on everything, Sol!

Re: Strongest Start

I wanted to provide another update. I have been in touch with all of the judges and should have the final results in the next day or two. So, I hope to announce the winners before the end of the week. Thanks for your patience!

Re: Strongest Start

That's great. In their defense, it gets pretty hectic out there sometimes.  Happy you will have all the results you wanted for this years contest.

Re: Strongest Start

Yay...Thanks for keeping on top of this Sol.....

Re: Strongest Start

Susan Stec wrote:

In their defense, it gets pretty hectic out there sometimes.

Not sure that's a very good defense:

Caller ID, Judge #1: "Hello, Sol, sorry I'm running late. I'm taking a whiz, the only time I could squeeze in because of the hectic schedule I find myself in; but I will finish judging the finalists and give my vote within the next ___ days. Thanks so much for understanding and give my apologies to all the contestants. Gotta run, talk to you soon."

Caller ID, Judge #2: "Hello, Sol, I'm sitting on the can, the only time ... (ditto above conversation)

Disregard any bodily functions associated with #1 and #2 comments above; it happens. Take care. Vern

16 (edited by Susan Stec 2016-08-24 16:09:54)

Re: Strongest Start

vern wrote:
Susan Stec wrote:

In their defense, it gets pretty hectic out there sometimes.

Not sure that's a very good defense:

Caller ID, Judge #1: "Hello, Sol, sorry I'm running late. I'm taking a whiz, the only time I could squeeze in because of the hectic schedule I find myself in; but I will finish judging the finalists and give my vote within the next ___ days. Thanks so much for understanding and give my apologies to all the contestants. Gotta run, talk to you soon."

Caller ID, Judge #2: "Hello, Sol, I'm sitting on the can, the only time ... (ditto above conversation)

Disregard any bodily functions associated with #1 and #2 comments above; it happens. Take care. Vern

Actually, you're not far off. You'd have to be part of the playing field to understand the balance. It can be grueling. Some of my best marketing is done on the John. Hahahahaha. Sad but true.  There are always priority lists. One human being can only do so much. And I am a firm believer in giving the benifit of doubt. 

I have had people bitch about a child's actions out in a store, I now understand that child could be autistic. I hear bitching about these 3 very professional adults and have to wonder, could judge 1 have to not only support her family, but visit a sick parent in a hospital? Maybe Judge two lost her husband last week. What if judge 3 has 3 kids, a full time job, and she is sick herself. Truth is stranger than fiction, my friend. I know. I've had a hell of a year. And have missed deadlines, not because I'm a bitch, but I have a sister with dementia, and had to, singlehandedly move her 1500 miles to care for her, only to have to place her in foster care within the first year, all while trying to reach a progressional deadline. So, it is what it is, and it will all be settled when it's settled.
I'm good.

Re: Strongest Start

Patience is a virtue--one I don't possess. However, I once prayed for patience. Take my word for it--NEVER PRAY FOR PATIENCE. God does not give patience. He gives you 5 kids to teach you patience. So, I have more now than I did when I stupidly said that prayer. I, too, understand what hectic means. My only suggestion would be that if you agree to judge and there is a hold up for some reason, simply drop Sol a note.  (And not potty problems.) Delays for valid reasons are understandable, just not lame excuses. We all have issues, some more than others. Don't let your issue become a crutch.

Re: Strongest Start

This is true Janet. Although, I firmly believe in Karma. If being dishonest, undependable, and disrespectful is a virtue, it will catch up with someone without my help. So will being quick tempered, fast to judge (no pun intended) and bitchy. My personal experience is to walk away, don't give glowing reviews of unfavorable work ethics, but when asked, tell the truth, and never hire them again.

Re: Strongest Start

Life happens. I'm just glad the contest is alive and well.