
W.L.Post Profile


Location: Mobile, United States

Gender: F

Member Since: February 2015

Last online: February 2016

Profile Information

Dad's family were German and came in to New York in the 1600's when it wasn't New York it was New Amsterdam.  My fathers family focus runs from farmers mainly, to nationally know Mfgs, and a famous airplane pilot.  My father's group ended up in Ohio, were they were respected farmers. My Dad was stolen as a child from that family and brought to Alabama by wealthy New York do-gooder's in the 1900's and raise as their son. He didn't find out about his birth family until he was grown. 

My Mom's family were farmers, they came into South Carolina in the 1600's. One cousin was friends with Daniel Boone. One cousin it seems was the Attorney General of the US. They were simple but complex people who were respected enough to be mentioned in early histories of lower Alabama as friends you would be proud to have. Hunters trappers and guides were valuable then.

So now I am old, and have the time to put down on paper what I was told my my family. I think it's something to do when I have time to slow down. 





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