Topic: Locked Door Contest Winners

Hi all,

I'm pleased to announce the winners of the Locked Door Contest. This was a challenging contest but the stories that emerged, although few in number, were high in quality. The winners are:

Grand prize:

Ice Hangar by bill kandiliotis


The Dark Side of the Moon by alkemi
The E'clatant Is Missing by dagnee

Congratulations! We'll be announcing another contest shortly.

Re: Locked Door Contest Winners

Congrats to the winners!

3 (edited by njc 2017-04-26 19:24:54)

Re: Locked Door Contest Winners

Congratulations indeed!

Re: Locked Door Contest Winners

Congrats to all

Re: Locked Door Contest Winners

Congrats to those who won and all who entered also. Take care. Vern

Re: Locked Door Contest Winners

BIG congrats to all!!

Re: Locked Door Contest Winners

Congrats to the winners and everyone else who participated. Well done!

Re: Locked Door Contest Winners


Re: Locked Door Contest Winners

Thanks, everyone. Congrats to the runners up and to the other entries. They were all interesting, clever and a good read. recommend them all.

Re: Locked Door Contest Winners

Terrific sci-if, Bill. I really enjoyed reading Ice Hangar. Congrats to all the winners for your creative and entertaining entries. This was a tough and convoluted contest, and I was floored by the quality of the submissions.

Re: Locked Door Contest Winners

Well done! Keep up the good work!

Re: Locked Door Contest Winners

YAY!!!  Congratulations to all!  Nice job!

Re: Locked Door Contest Winners

Congrats to the Winners!