Hey this always seems like one of the more active threads, so I'll just announce here that you guys may not be seeing much of me for the next few weeks. I'm getting foot surgery tomorrow. So no, I haven't disappeared.
1 2015-03-25 16:31:58
Re: Acts/ Dictates/ Mandates/ Mantle - Amy's Thread (1,905 replies, posted in Fantasy/Magic & Sci-Fi)
2 2015-03-18 15:52:09
Re: Spirit Mage Saga- Judy Goodwin (12 replies, posted in Fantasy/Magic & Sci-Fi)
looks like some of you already saw it, but yes, Chapter 9 is up. Thanks!
3 2015-03-10 22:11:40
Re: Acts/ Dictates/ Mandates/ Mantle - Amy's Thread (1,905 replies, posted in Fantasy/Magic & Sci-Fi)
I think the main overarching problem is that the real problem of the book isn't even introduced until after Alina's death. I could deal with the whole roof fixing and the Alina problem if I knew from the start of this book that the REAL issue is that there is a necromancer that is still alive somewhere, and everyone is in danger because of that. That danger needs to be introduced right away. Find some way to tie that into why the roof must be fixed, the chamber found, etc. and I think it will be much stronger.
(The healing of Kha belongs as a flashback in this book, perhaps as late as the reintroduction of Kha.)
4 2015-03-10 15:12:11
Re: Acts/ Dictates/ Mandates/ Mantle - Amy's Thread (1,905 replies, posted in Fantasy/Magic & Sci-Fi)
For some weird reason I can't get in to see the chapters on Acts any more! Every other book in my reading list is fine--it's just yours. You didn't take it down, did you?
5 2015-02-19 18:15:11
Re: Spirit Mage Saga- Judy Goodwin (12 replies, posted in Fantasy/Magic & Sci-Fi)
I think it's just too hard to see what's going on. In the old forum, one screen highlighted every thread or folder that had new replies. Having things so splintered out just makes them impossible to find, so nobody even bothers to try.
and chapter 8 is up!
6 2015-02-06 21:19:00
Re: Spirit Mage Saga- Judy Goodwin (12 replies, posted in Fantasy/Magic & Sci-Fi)
Well, they upgraded my laptop at work, so I'm not longer on IE 10, yay! I can finally upload, but it still strips my formatting. Chapter 7 is up, and I'm continuing to write and review, even though I'm quieter on this new site. Just too hard to find out where the good conversations are.
7 2015-02-04 23:00:42
Re: Potential changes to the point system (28 replies, posted in TheNextBigWriter Premium)
I think Bimmy's idea is brilliant--offer a 1 or a 3 month free membership, but after that require payment to continue being a member. You could even incentivize it further by having them earn full points for reviewing but only need half the points to post during that introductory period.
That way there is some value and people can try it out.
8 2015-01-30 15:34:11
Re: Sensitive subject (28 replies, posted in Fantasy/Magic & Sci-Fi)
I want to echo what amy said--I'm so glad at least we all talk.
I lurve yous guyz! (yes, I've only had about four hours sleep. There's not enough coffee in the world to fix this.)
9 2015-01-28 18:59:55
Re: Sensitive subject (28 replies, posted in Fantasy/Magic & Sci-Fi)
Bimmy, I totally agree. It's so hard to find anything and I don't have time to search for everything that's going on. The old forum I could see all the new posts on one page, easily, regardless of topic. Now it's all sequestered. On top of that, the new site isn't compatible with my old work computer and my older version of IE so I can't upload chapters. I have to do it from my Surface Pro, and then it strips all the formatting. I hate it.
10 2015-01-20 16:24:00
Re: Spirit Mage Saga- Judy Goodwin (12 replies, posted in Fantasy/Magic & Sci-Fi)
Ugh, what a mess! My computer at work where I typically post things is on an old version of IE so I STILL can't post new chapters from there. I uploaded my latest from my Windows Surface Pro, but the website still didn't like my latest version of IE so I couldn't edit properly and I lost all the italics. But chapter 6 is up.
11 2014-12-08 18:18:23
Re: Spirit Mage Saga- Judy Goodwin (12 replies, posted in Fantasy/Magic & Sci-Fi)
Okay, I contacted Sol--he tried putting in a test chapter and it worked, so I have no clue why it's not working for me. Anyways, I edited his test in order to put in Chapter 5. It's now there and ready to be edited.
12 2014-12-05 18:20:57
Re: Spirit Mage Saga- Judy Goodwin (12 replies, posted in Fantasy/Magic & Sci-Fi)
The button does nothing when I click it. Nothing. I enter in all the fields, and click it. And when I go back into the project to publish or activate it or anything, it's not there. Doesn't save.
13 2014-12-05 16:27:38
Re: Spirit Mage Saga- Judy Goodwin (12 replies, posted in Fantasy/Magic & Sci-Fi)
I keep trying to add a chapter but the new site won't let me.
14 2014-12-04 21:00:22
Re: Site Bugs (217 replies, posted in TheNextBigWriter Premium)
I can't seem to add a chapter to my latest novel. I hit the 'Save and Publish" and have even tried the "Save and Preview" and nothing happens.
Um, help?
15 2014-11-21 21:10:56
Re: How do I create a reading list in the new site? (8 replies, posted in TheNextBigWriter Premium)
Ack! Yesterday all my reviews were listed in chronological order, starting with the most recent. Now they're in a strange new order and I can't find any of the books I was reviewing. Can you please add a way to put them in a chronological order, or by dates, etc.? I don't want to wade through 15+ pages of old reviews to find the current ones I'm reading.
16 2014-11-17 16:12:28
Re: Still stumbling around (28 replies, posted in TheNextBigWriter Premium)
Why is there a clock for logout? The old site didn't have that. I agree that it's a pain having to relog in all the time to try and read and leave reviews. If there has to be one, I agree we need to increase the time.
17 2014-11-13 16:01:36
Re: Welcome (257 replies, posted in TheNextBigWriter Premium)
Hey all! Lol now I need to find all the books I was reviewing before....