corra wrote:Thanks Ann and Alan! Ann, what do you blog about? Alan, do you find that you are at a disadvantage since you're not on social media in each of your genres? (I vaguely recall you mentioning recently that you'd started a blog?)
Dill, your feedback wins today's merit badge.
I do a weekly feature on my blog called Five on Friday where I have an author answer 5 questions (they choose from a list) and also promote their book/books on the same blog. If you do decide to blog, the main thing is to be consistant. Just a random post now and then won't do any good. I get more followers on FB, Twitter, LinkedIn, and Pinterest through that feature because I share it on all my social media...which brings people to my site. I also post a snarky cartoon/quote once a day on Fb and Twitter...although I've missed about 5 days now because of life getting too busy. Since I've started doing that, in 6 weeks, my Twitter followers doubled.
To get authors to participate, I simply post an invitation on a couple of groups I belong to and here on this site. I can fill every Friday for 6 months within a couple of days!! Authors are always looking for places to promote their books. In return, those authors I feature will invite me to their blogs for a feature of my books! That's why I say it's all about the connections you make. It does take work and time because I have to set the blog up and load the images. But, I put each blog in draft form as soon as I get it, mark it on my calendar that it is in draft, then on the day of the blog, all I have to do is hit publish and then share on social media. It takes me about 45 min. to an hour to set up each blog.