Topic: Sharing an Ego Boo

Hi, All -
It has been a LOOOOONNNNNGGGG time since I posted anything here on TNBW.  But for those of you who remember me, I just had to share an ego boo:  my sci fi novel HOME WORLD (think the version I work shopped here is still up here, somewhere...) is NOW ON THE SHELVES AT BARNES & NOBLE!   Not just published, but physically ON THE SHELVES!  Think picking up my own book off a B & N bookstore is the closest i'll ever come to holding my first-born in my hand.  Now I just have to make sure it doesn't become an only child!
Hugs to all of you who kept my spirits up in some dark times!
Bonnie Milani

2 (edited by Janet Taylor-Perry 2015-01-26 21:35:56)

Re: Sharing an Ego Boo

Congrats! Who is your publisher? And where else is it available? Give us a link.

Re: Sharing an Ego Boo

You go girl friend!

Re: Sharing an Ego Boo

Many, many congratulations!  Nothing I can say here can compare with that bookstore thrill.  Now go do some signings!

Re: Sharing an Ego Boo


Re: Sharing an Ego Boo

Congrats! Perhaps some day I  or we all can say we know how you feel; still have my fingers crossed for the last submission. Take care. Vern

Re: Sharing an Ego Boo

Yay Bonnie!! Congrats! I made Barnes and Noble on line, but have yet to get it on the shelf. Way to go!

Re: Sharing an Ego Boo

Congrats!!! Wonderful achievement. You're a talented writer. You've already proven it. It was only matter of time.



Re: Sharing an Ego Boo

Cool beans. I hope you can quit your day job soon!! As Gacela said you deserve this!
dags big_smile

Re: Sharing an Ego Boo

Congrats, Bonnie!

Re: Sharing an Ego Boo

You guys are SO wonderful!  Thank you all for the kinds words!

Re: Sharing an Ego Boo

Way cool! So proud for you.  I wish I'd worked on your book but at the time I was a bit intimidated. Having just joined and the book nearly finished. I'll be on the lookout for your book tomorrow when I go to my monthly meeting with SCBWI. And I'll brag you up a little to my friends.

Write On!

Re: Sharing an Ego Boo

Blessed art thou, Mrs. Piddles!  Only... do brag Home World up a LOT?  Now we've got the book ON the shelves, I've got to make sure it flies OFF the shelves!
Hugs, and many thanks for the kind words!

14 (edited by Bonnie Milani 2015-01-27 15:08:48)

Re: Sharing an Ego Boo

I just realized I never answered Janet's request.  Home World is out at Amazon, Nook, Kindle, AND carried by the Indigo / Chapters bookstore chain in Canada.  Amazon link, where you can do the sneak peak preview is here: … nie+milani
I've got a couple of great full-cinematic trailers I'll try to post later, too.

Re: Sharing an Ego Boo

Oh!  I'm an idiot (you already knew that, didn't you?)  BUT...the publisher is running a promo this week!  At least I think it's this week...  To get a discount on the trade paperback, follow this link & enter the promo code SpringSale when (if) you place an order: … home-world