Just spent the better part of a day researching the Italian police (I need detectives and a CSI team). I spent almost two hours trying to find reliable information about Italy's two national police forces, the state police and the Carabinieri. They have a lot of overlapping duties right down to responding to civil crimes. They are the result of Italy's dysfunctional political system. The best comparison I can make to our police is that the state police are a civil force while the Carabinieri are a military force. The Carabinieri are somewhat like the National Guard. Since they both have command stations in Rome, I needed to know who's in charge when a bishop or cardinal turns up dead. Finally found an article that said the state police are ultimately in charge in large urban centers, but the Carabinieri may be the only police force available in rural areas, so they're in charge in those areas, rather like the RCMP. Both the state police and the Carabinieri are truly national police forces, unlike us where each major city has its own independent police force.
Pretty slim pickings online about Italian law enforcement and even less about their CSI functions. I may have to borrow a few North American concepts. I have yet to figure out how to kill off a large number of clergy in serial killings without making it redundant or overly gruesome. Worse, a serial killer ought to result in a major taskforce, with all kinds of different police functions cooperating.
I also can't figure out what the damn Italian equivalent is of a detective, since they don't seem to use that title. They follow Interpol-like command ranks.
I hope CSI is available on Netflix.