Founding Member
Location: Redmond, WA, United States
Gender: F
Member Since: September 2010
Last online: September 2020
I'm going to take a break, even though my membership here is good until the end of the month. I'm working on my stuff on Wattpad--less pressure to write the way I should be writing, people just like to read.
I need to re-write "The Ghost Girl Chronicles" and see if I can write it by "the rules". I've acquired some writing books, and I've started to read but right now I'm kind of burned out by my ever-present struggle to sleep. Being bipolar sucks, I've dropped the new meds the doc gave me because they made me fucking crazy.
Thank all of you for your good and honest advice. I really believe in TGGC and if I can take all of your advice and make sense of what's written in the writing books I may be able to publish it, or so I hope.
So, this unwashed, unemployed (well, ok folks, I'm 67) actually retired to social security poverty writer is not giving up, she's just taking it easy for a while.
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