76 (edited by Unbar 2017-03-20 18:16:05)

Re: Unbar's Thread

I just got back the final copy of my book 3 cover from my artist and wanted to show it off here. This is a darker book in the series as evidenced by the cover. Let me know what you think.  https://image.ibb.co/kTLyMF/unnamed.jpg
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Re: Unbar's Thread

Enlarge the title upward.  If necesary, fold the series part into two lines.  Lighten the good guy and make the color more natur.  Light dome, dark beneath doesn't show the characters off very well.

Is the space a library?  The Warehouse?  Help us see that better.

Re: Unbar's Thread

In order to keep with continuity with the other two in the series the font is pretty well set. The scene is set in a dystopian world called Night Arena, a place where justice is meted out gladiator style in a nighttime hunger games kind of setting. It is supposed to be dark, but perhaps this goes too far?

Re: Unbar's Thread

I agree the font is a little too skinny given the complexity of the graphics behind it. Overall, I liked it.

Is that Amelia? Reminds me of harley quinn. You should give her a bat in the story


80 (edited by njc 2017-03-20 23:02:30)

Re: Unbar's Thread

The font is fine.  It just needs to be a bit bigger.

Is the foreground character good guy or bad?

With the characters that dark, you may need to amp up their lighter parts a bit so the eye can resolve them well.

Re: Unbar's Thread

I like it. Plain and simple. Nicely done!

Re: Unbar's Thread

One nit (because you know that nothing ever shuts me up) Why does the armor lace up the back? One knife cut down the spine (which isn't protected, BTW), and the armor is in pieces and flapping forward as the person fights. Back lacing is for corsets. Leather armor is laced, that is true, but it laces from the side, so that it is protected more.

Re: Unbar's Thread

Thanks for the feedback everyone. I also sent this out to my newsletter folks and the one thing many mentioned was possibly lightening it up just a little. I asked my cover artist to give me a lighter version to see what it looks like. It has to be a night setting due to the scene depicted. I'm still waiting to see what he comes up with.


Re: Unbar's Thread

For a night effect, reduce the saturation and tint the color slightly towards blue.

85 (edited by Unbar 2017-03-23 18:56:51)

Re: Unbar's Thread

I had my guy lighten it up a bit. I like it better this way although the difference is very slight. https://preview.ibb.co/haa9fa/final_covermod.jpg
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Re: Unbar's Thread

Nice! The lightened version does look better.


Re: Unbar's Thread

Nice.  I still think thr title should come nearer the edges.

Re: Unbar's Thread
