Topic: Points
I've been absent for a seems the points awarded have decreased significantly. Has the cost to post decreased as well?
TheNextBigWriter Premium → Points
Pages 1
I've been absent for a seems the points awarded have decreased significantly. Has the cost to post decreased as well?
Welcome back!
The point system should be the same as on the old site. The new site uses the same formula.
Thanks! We spent a lot of time to make it look and work okay across all platforms.
Couple of hints.
When posting, continue to post with points, but post to three places: at least one group (make sure this is one that doesn't use points so you aren't charged double), the TNBW Premium, and TNBW Free. That way, if you decide to discontinue your full membership, your material will still be out there.
Next, when reviewing someone who isn't doing the points thing, (a new writer perhaps on the free site), make sure that you don't use an inline review. They won't be able to see it unless they pay for the membership.
Inlines are great for spelling and comments, but they don't print out if you want to save them for later revisions. If you let your membership lapse, you won't be able to see them anymore, so realize that fact.
If you want to comment within a group, you have to be a member. You are limited to ten (I think) when you are a premium member. Five when you are a free member. So if you get downgraded, you could probably join/quit the groups in order to keep your foot in the door. I know you were really active on the forums before, so this might be something for you to consider.
Respond to the reviews right away. The old site used to keep the review active until you answered your reviewer with a brief comment. Now, this disappears from your to-do prompts after the first time you look at the new critique. If you don't respond right away (I used to leave mine a couple days so I could re-read), it is easy for forget to respond and you lose that chance to socialize/ interact. (learn from my mistakes and make new ones instead of repeating history)
Again, it's wonderful to see you back!
Thanks Amy,
I probably won't be posting for a while yet, but this is good info.
Glad to have you back, Bimmy. Might I suggest joining the romance group. I think there's one for steampunk too.
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TheNextBigWriter Premium → Points