Topic: New here and hoping to connect

Hi all! I'm Jessi, mom of two and writer of MG fantasy/adventure. I've just posted my first chapter of the book I've been working on for the last two years and I'd love some quality feedback--even the negative, I can take it! I'd love to return the favor by reviewing your work also. Thanks! … /version/0

Re: New here and hoping to connect

Hi, Jessi. Are you able to post in the Premium forum? I'm not sure many active members read posts in this forum. Premium reaches the widest audience.

Welcome to the site!

Re: New here and hoping to connect

Also, if you are looking for reciprocal review relationships, it helps to post in groups that use points.  You might also look for stories similar in style or subject and do a few reviews on them (collecting the points) to see if you can drum up recip relationships.

Re: New here and hoping to connect

I also suggest you publish in the Premium group using points, otherwise there might be less interest in reviewing your work. I see you're into YA. You can check T. W. Cave, Suin, and my own work. We all write YA.



Re: New here and hoping to connect

jhayward wrote:

Hi all! I'm Jessi, mom of two and writer of MG fantasy/adventure. I've just posted my first chapter of the book I've been working on for the last two years and I'd love some quality feedback--even the negative, I can take it! I'd love to return the favor by reviewing your work also. Thanks! … /version/0

Welcome to the workshop!  You'll get more feedback in the Premium group.  Look forward to reading your stuff.  R.

Re: New here and hoping to connect

Thanks all! I wasn't able to post using points at first. I will give some feedback later today and try adding it to the premium group once I have enough points. I need less than 1, so it shouldn't take long, right? I'll try to have that done by the end of today so you guys can get credit for your reviews smile Thanks for the information!

Re: New here and hoping to connect

Okay, guys, my piece is worth points now! 2.5 of them, by the looks of it smile

Re: New here and hoping to connect

Welcome, Jessi!

I've been a member here for quite some time but have been away for about 2 years ... mostly health issues. But I'll be posting new material again real soon. Hope you enjoy your time here!
