(27 replies, posted in TheNextBigWriter Premium)

I just bought it from Amazon for my Kindle. Thanks for letting us know about your novel.


(1 replies, posted in TheNextBigWriter Premium)

In the middle of a lengthy inline review, my computer kicked me off, and my review was lost. However, when I went back into the story I saw the message ""Draft"" telling me I had an incomplete inline review. But when I clicked on it, nothing happened. How do I get back in to finish my review? The story is "what does death feel" by Meganf.

I wanted to BE Dale Evans. Somewhere there is a photo of me in full Dale Evans costume when I was around 8 years old. My brother had Roy Rogers holster with signature cap guns. Yes, I'd say we were influenced positively, in a positive way.


(4 replies, posted in TheNextBigWriter Premium)

I stopped reading Michener when it was obvious that someone else was doing the writing. His later novels were cranked out by formula.


(10 replies, posted in TheNextBigWriter Premium)

This is a wonderful workshop. I have learned more from reading critiques of others' works, than from any other activity. Some reviewers leave in-depth, insightful reviews. It is comparable to an advanced graduate course.

The link took me to the list of forums,  -- which reminded me that we don't have something similar on the new TNBW. This would be so useful. I know this has been requested, but I think the idea was rejected.


(13 replies, posted in TheNextBigWriter Premium)

Bravo! This new feature has me cheering, almost as loud as when the Giants beat the Padres last night. Waiting for each one took patience and faith. You de greatest.


(20 replies, posted in TheNextBigWriter Premium)

This was the first entry that I read, one of the first posted I think, and I said to myself -- don't bother to enter -- this one's a winner. Congratulations!


(36 replies, posted in TheNextBigWriter Premium)

Yes Vern, re how to reply to inline items in X-lines format. I found this by accident. An extra click, but for such a great improvement, I'll sacrifice some of my treasured clicks.


(36 replies, posted in TheNextBigWriter Premium)

I love the x-lines feature. I vote for making it automatic. I can't imagine anyone not using it. I just printed out a received inline review in x-lines format, which I have be wanting to do forever. thank you for listening.


(8 replies, posted in TheNextBigWriter Premium)

I strongly agree with Lesley, Janet n& njc. As soon as I moved over to the new tnbw, I requested the Print function be restored, and was told it was coming soon. I can see that printing out the on-line review comments and replies will take some programming, but I believe being unable to see a hard copy of the entire review is a BIG lack in the new system. njc -- every point is well done.


(212 replies, posted in TheNextBigWriter Premium)

When I first joined TNBW I had never done a review and didn't have a clue until I read others' reviews. I still read them, always, to educate myself. The knowledge on this site is amazing.


(212 replies, posted in TheNextBigWriter Premium)

Back to the subject of improving the listing of new work from Connections on the Home Page: Perhaps remove the covers displayed next to each title. These take a lot of space, so removing them would allow for more titles in each category listing. I love creating a cover, and do it frequently, but I question whether it is necessary in the list. The cover appears appropriately when the title is selected and the piece appears for review.


(212 replies, posted in TheNextBigWriter Premium)

Linda Lee -- Every one of your 6 "adjustments" to the Home page are right on! #6, removing the forced listing and providing a way to selective see new works, seems to be the solution to the Home Page glut of the same works by prolific writers day after day. My vote is cast, for what it's worth.


(342 replies, posted in TheNextBigWriter Premium)

I strongly second Tom Oldman's request to have the cursor go to the text box after a word or phrase is highlighted. The in-line review requires lots of manual movement of the cursor. Having been a programmer in a past reincarnation, I understand how changes such as this one can have a low priority when a large, complex system is in its infancy. But this "bug" (and I don't use that word loosely) causes problems -- I've been tossed off the system numerous times during an in-line review for exactly the reason Tom describes.


(9 replies, posted in TheNextBigWriter Premium)

I've noticed since we've been on the new site and can see the list of new members on the right side of our Home page, that we seem to be bombarded by newbies. I wait, and in a day or so I receive a fraudulent review from one or two, obvious by the bland brevity and bearing no relation to what I have posted. I need points, too, but the practice of the pasted generic review is an indication of low moral character. THERE. I've vented and I feel better.


(34 replies, posted in TheNextBigWriter Premium)

It seems I remember on the old forums there were guidelines about how to review. Maybe these could be republished. I learned to review by doing exactly what njc suggests -- I read others' reviews, and in doing so I learned so much, not only about how to write a helpful review, but also about writing. I went astray once by being too critical (the bossy in me emerged) and was reprimanded for it. I appreciate reviews that give DETAILS, that point out lines that work, and those that don't. Instead of saying, "This moved me" or "You write well," give examples of the lines that stood out. I love it when a reviewer points out long or boring or too detailed paragraphs. Sometimes I do run on, almost in stream-of-consciousness mode, which is fine in first drafts but which shouldn't be in the published version. A gentle reminder of this is always welcome.


(13 replies, posted in TheNextBigWriter Premium)

The little home image has disappeared -- used to be just to the right of the POST YOUR WRITING.
Thank you for all the enhancements -- major among them are is the email notification of postings.


(342 replies, posted in TheNextBigWriter Premium)

Sol, about the two postings of "The Watch" --  think what I did was accidently post to the Free group when I edited the unpublished story to add a cover picture. Then, I couldn't see it anywhere, so I thought, "Another disappearing posting," and started from square one. Thus, it is there twice. The reason the story doesn't show up in the New Short Story list on my Home page is that I'm not a member of the free group, I think. I'll delete the unpublished one. Later, when I get the points, I'll publish it in the Premium group. I hope you haven't spent time trying to figure this one out.


(342 replies, posted in TheNextBigWriter Premium)

Sol, I uploaded a new story, THE WATCH, in order to find out how many points I need in order to publish it. I was told 5.98 points, which I am well short of. Fine. I left the scene, came back later to see the story at the bottom of my portfolio, unpublished, red circle on the left. Fine. I decided to create my own cover image, and when I did so ----- the story somehow got published. Now there are two stories with the same name on my portfolio, one published, one unpublished. And someone reviewed the published story. How flowing pencil found the story, I don't know, because it doesn't show in the list of new published short stories on my Home screen. Stranger and stranger.


(342 replies, posted in TheNextBigWriter Premium)

Sol, I paste from MS-word, as I've always done. The problem is recent. Yes, it could be something that has infected my word processor. Perhaps I should take my PC in to be scrubbed. Thanks for looking into this. If no one else is experiencing it, it's probably not a problem you need to concern yourself about. You have enough to do.


(342 replies, posted in TheNextBigWriter Premium)

njc -- The word-turned-into-link thing happens all the time in all of my postings here. I treat it as I do eye floaters, those annoying specks in  my eyes - after awhile they become invisible.


(342 replies, posted in TheNextBigWriter Premium)

I can't get back into the review to see if I posted it. I did get the points for the review, so it must have been posted. But it looks like a regular review instead of an inline. All of my inline highlights and comments are gone, and only the summary appears. Someone else's regular review that was there in the beginning is now gone, and seems to be overlaid by my review. Mrs. Piddles replied to my review. This definitely seems to be a bug.


(342 replies, posted in TheNextBigWriter Premium)

I just left an inline review for Mrs Piddles's revision of her short story, "Christie's Chicken Revised." I got the points for the review, but noticed that the inline review count didn't increase for her story. It already had one regular review. WHen I accessed the story again, the inline count remained zero, and I couldn't see the original regular review. My inline review comments showed up.


(342 replies, posted in TheNextBigWriter Premium)

I just noticed the highlighted, capitalized words popping up on my Home page in the contests area -- the word Prize and Amazon with the link button attached.