2 2018-04-26 13:07:10
Re: MIA (8 replies, posted in This is US!!)
OH, Nancy, I wish you all the strength in the world to get through this. Prayers for your dad and your sister.
4 2018-04-21 14:59:27
Re: Formatting (5 replies, posted in This is US!!)
Thanks, all. If it persists I'll contact Sol.
5 2018-04-21 14:58:20
Re: Introduction (26 replies, posted in This is US!!)
Welcome, Nancy! So glad to connect with you here again! I'm happy to read whatever you post and take whatever feedback you can give to me. Sounds like writing could be a haven for you at this time in your life. <hugs>
6 2018-04-19 13:22:44
Re: Group settings (23 replies, posted in This is US!!)
I've used Dragon Speak, Alan. You need to spend some time 'training your dragon' so it is good at recognizing your voice. It also takes some time to get used to the lag between speaking and it typing. It kind of interrupts the flow of my creative brain. It does work, though.
7 2018-04-17 23:28:46
Topic: Formatting (5 replies, posted in This is US!!)
So my chapters look fine when I'm posting, but when I read the reviews the lines are all hosed up. What's up with that and how can I fix it?
8 2018-04-17 23:07:28
Re: Group settings (23 replies, posted in This is US!!)
I have an almost-polished WIP that I want help polishing, a la what Susan Stec, Penang, and many others of you did for my first book back in 2010.
9 2018-04-17 03:06:31
Re: Introduction (26 replies, posted in This is US!!)
Alan, have you tried a voice-to-type program? I use Google Docs voice thingy when my carpal tunnel acts up. It's so frustrating to not be able to type what's in your head!
10 2018-04-17 00:47:56
Re: Group settings (23 replies, posted in This is US!!)
I totally agree! I just don't have time right now. When school's out in June, I'll have more time. I HAVE to finish Aloha Spirit early this summer. I want to work on book launch and all that goes with it....getting ahead of myself now....
11 2018-04-16 23:48:58
Re: Group settings (23 replies, posted in This is US!!)
Marilyn Johnson wrote:I would eventually like to get to where I only post in this group.
If we all take that approach, there will be fewer experienced eyes reviewing the material of new authors (i.e., the stuff in Premium), and they will have less material from experienced authors (i.e., the stuff hidden here) to learn from. Could cause a slow death for the site.
If the site suffers because of that, Sol will have to rethink (as he's done before). I want only a small group to read my work, people I'm familiar with and whose work I like. I just don't have time to read crappy first drafts or teach newbies how to review. I know that sounds elitist, but that's where I am with my personal time right now. I do feel a bit of guilt because if we hadn't all reached out to newbies we wouldn't have had such success reviewing each other!
12 2018-04-16 23:44:26
Re: Introduction (26 replies, posted in This is US!!)
Jeanne's in! I like JP's suggestions!
13 2018-04-16 15:27:08
Re: Group settings (23 replies, posted in This is US!!)
Jeanne's in now!
Okay, let's leave this group without points for now. If you want points, post to the main site, too.
14 2018-04-16 03:19:20
Topic: Introduction (26 replies, posted in This is US!!)
It seems several of us oldtimers from 2010 have been thinking of our friends from this site and wanted to begin reviewing each other again. I'm so excited to get started. I missed reading your work and hearing what you had to say about mine. As I understand it, the goal of this group is to review frequently. Read everyone's WIP as often as you can, and post your own work to the group specifically. Does that cover it?
15 2018-04-16 02:58:06
Re: Group settings (23 replies, posted in This is US!!)
I didn't think so, but I've been away awhile!
16 2018-04-16 02:39:15
Topic: Group settings (23 replies, posted in This is US!!)
I set up the group without points. Do we need points?
17 2016-01-25 23:58:40
Re: General Comments Section (281 replies, posted in Alpha to Omega - Review Group)
Hello wonderful review group! I'm sorry to say that I've decided to quit this site officially. I just can't manage it. Maybe I'll come back later...If you want to continue reading Aloha Spirit or would like to beta test it for me when I'm done (it's about 2/3 there) email me at FlyingHorseBooks at
Keep writing!
18 2015-10-07 03:39:23
Re: General Comments Section (281 replies, posted in Alpha to Omega - Review Group)
Thanks, Jube and Randy, for the kind words. My sight is still not completely back to normal, but it's good enough to drive and use the computer so I'm much happier. Still on medication...It will be another ten days before the doc determines if this is the best recovery I'll get. Horribly scary experience. I've learned a lot about taking fragile things like eyesight for granted.
So my new round of master's classes are both workshops...I'm going to be buried in writing. That's wonderful, but I'm going to have to be reviewing classmates' work so I'm going to bow out of this group for awhile. Please skip me in your rotation so I don't feel guilty about not reciprocating for now!
19 2015-09-30 13:17:22
Re: General Comments Section (281 replies, posted in Alpha to Omega - Review Group)
Hi all... I've been sidelined with a rough couple of weeks. First, the last week of the quarter with three master's classes meant a lot of writing (three four-page papers in addition to 30 pages of my novel). Then, I somehow contracted a nasty virus in the cornea of my right eye. Very painful. Intraocular pressure doubled, causing the sight to go. Very scary. They gave me huge doses of the antiviral drug they give AIDS patients, plus two kinds of eye drops--every two hours. I'm not out of the woods yet, but my eyesight is almost back to normal and it looks like there will be no permanent damage. So after four horrible days of no reading, no writing, no computer,and just listening to TV, I'm back. I am, of course, horribly behind at work...I will ry to get through another round of reviews this weekend.
20 2015-09-04 16:25:34
Re: Please post here regarding a completed review (671 replies, posted in Alpha to Omega - Review Group)
I just completed a marathon morning and left one review for everyone: Stephanie, Cobber, Matthew, Randall, CJ, Jube, Alkemi
21 2015-08-30 13:30:58
Re: General Comments Section (281 replies, posted in Alpha to Omega - Review Group)
Recently, I realized that it's easy to fall into the viscous whirlpool of review corrections.
In a related issue, how should we inform reviewers what are personal writing style rules are? I've placed them in the novel description, but I'm not sure they're being read. I'm thinking a sticky should be placed on a writing style post in our book review section to keep it on top. Each author to their own preference, or should we be consistent?
Matthew, what do you mean by this? I'm not sure I'm understanding.
22 2015-08-30 13:24:53
Re: An ignorant question ... (5 replies, posted in Marketing Your Writing)
It's a balancing act. You have to have a quality product, so focus on the writing. But you also have to have an audience, so focus on a few social media areas. When I sent out my first book, I was so proud to have a blog and a Facebook and Twitter! Combined, I think I had ten followers. Now I have over 18,000 hits on my blog (it's been five years). I only post once or twice a month. I have a Facebook account that is personal AND author that I use daily. Twitter I rarely use, but my blog posts there automatically. I am NOT using social media as effectively as I could, and had I started before publishing, I would know more about how to maximize it. Learning to market well after you publish is horrible. Do the social media thing now.
23 2015-08-16 20:47:32
Re: Please post here regarding a completed review (671 replies, posted in Alpha to Omega - Review Group)
Hello Ann, I just conducted an experiment (science background showing through) using my review of the first chapter of your book. I started an in-line review and saved it after one comment rather than submitting it. I got a message to say it was saved but not submitted. I then went looking for it. I found it on my home page under feedback in the listing for 'New in-line review replies'. The draft review showed up at the top of the list with the notations <<draft in line review>>. If I click on the blue button with 'view' at the right side of that entry, the draft review comes up just as I left it and I can continue with the review. When I'm done I presume it will go out if I press the submit rather than save button. If it works you should get a review from me in the next half hour or so.
Hope this helps.
Thank you so much! They were even identified in red as drafts. All submitted properly now.
24 2015-08-16 15:06:40
Re: Please post here regarding a completed review (671 replies, posted in Alpha to Omega - Review Group)
I completed one review each for Stephanie, Cobber, Matthew, Randy, CJ, Jube, and Alkemi. On the last round I noticed many of my reviews said 'draft' instead of 'reviewed.' I assume that means you didn't get them? I can't figure out how to pull up the draft so I can send it. anyone know how?
25 2015-08-16 14:16:29
Re: General Comments Section (281 replies, posted in Alpha to Omega - Review Group)
Okay I believe I am an idiot. On my last round (I noticed for Matthew and Randall) I apparently hit 'save inline review' instead of 'submit inline review.' How do I go back and access that draft? I tried clicking on 'draft' in two places but can't bring it up. I will continue with the next round. Sorry for the inconvenience!