Re: Acts/ Dictates/ Mandates/ Mantle - Amy's Thread
Oh, and it's Smaller Than A Saucepan. With 12 knobs on the front panel. In two rows. And with 18 binding posts. In three colors, and six bent columns.
But no Buttons to Push.
Fantasy/Magic & Sci-Fi → Acts/ Dictates/ Mandates/ Mantle - Amy's Thread
Oh, and it's Smaller Than A Saucepan. With 12 knobs on the front panel. In two rows. And with 18 binding posts. In three colors, and six bent columns.
But no Buttons to Push.
Your landlord would be doing backflips. The thought gives me no small amount of joy :-)
I have a new chapter published in Mantle of Magic. I got everybody to the Pass. Now I need a beer to celebrate. About time that I published something new.
I'm overdue too. Thanks for the dedication. I'm not sure what I did to deserve it.
I need to start doing reviews, LIFO.
Short summary: you need, not to cut, but to condense, and not by an awdul lot There are spots that feel flabby, and the reader carries the impression along, even where it no longer applies.
Love the staff-of-many-mages. And the ending.
Wonder what's in that book, and what you're clueing us in on?
Keep reading and you’ll find out:-)
How are you doing, Amy?
Fantasy/Magic & Sci-Fi → Acts/ Dictates/ Mandates/ Mantle - Amy's Thread