
Re: The Galaxy Tales - Dirk B.

I'm waffling between Lowest Bidder Corporation and Acme, Inc. The latter is less wordy, even if I drop Corporation and Inc. Anyone want to stop me before I change it back to Acme? Either way, it's intended to be silly. The former is my own creation whereas the latter is instantly recognizable as a variant of ACME Corporation. The name ACME dates back a century, so Bugs Bunny has no right to the name Acme, Inc. Also, although my Acme technology is always breaking down, ACME products always worked exactly according to specs. since ACME turned out to be a subsidiary of the Road Runner Corporation. I could consider LowBid Corporation, but it's not as funny as Acme. Or Lowbid?



Re: The Galaxy Tales - Dirk B.

on the fence with this one too... I can throw compelling arguments at each choice yikes


Re: The Galaxy Tales - Dirk B.

Nuts. Just when I thought ACME was the Bugs Bunny cartoon name, it turns out they are also referred to Acme. I had just changed all instances of Lowest Bidder to Acme. I guess LowBid Corporation wins by default.


Re: The Galaxy Tales - Dirk B.

Turns out the Supreme Court ruled in 1983 that Parker Brothers no longer has a valid trademark on Monopoly. So LowBid Corporation or Monopoly Corporation? They are a technology monopoly.

1,205 (edited by Dirk B. 2018-08-08 02:14:13)

Re: The Galaxy Tales - Dirk B.

Lo Bidda Corporation. Done.


Re: The Galaxy Tales - Dirk B.

Low Bidda Bing, Low Bidda Boom


Re: The Galaxy Tales - Dirk B.

Is Lo Bidda Corporation an obvious variant of Low Bidder Corporation, or should I make it more obvious for the spoof-impaired?


Re: The Galaxy Tales - Dirk B.

Our opinion is suspect because we've seen both


Re: The Galaxy Tales - Dirk B.

And your suspect opinion is?


Re: The Galaxy Tales - Dirk B.

that it is obvious x.x


Re: The Galaxy Tales - Dirk B.

Nuts. I just changed Lo Bidda to Low Bidder in my Strongest Start entry. Back to the edit screen.


Re: The Galaxy Tales - Dirk B.

I finally looked up what x.x means. You use it so much I figured I should learn what it means. My favorite, though, is -.-  Couldn't find it online.


Re: The Galaxy Tales - Dirk B.

I also use v.v and @.@


Re: The Galaxy Tales - Dirk B.

The first one looks like you falling asleep (or being pious) and the second one looks like you after too much coffee. It also looks like me with my Harry Potter glasses on (gold frame/black was too geeky). I look like a country doctor with old-fashioned spectacles. My mother can't stop laughing when she sees them. I guess that was the reason there was only pair of those frames among the entire store selection.


Re: The Galaxy Tales - Dirk B.

Just saw Solo. No wonder it didn't make more money. It didn't have the magic of Star Wars. They really should have used the classic Star Wars scroll for these anthology films. Also, more of the original Star Wars music. As is, it's just another meh sci-fi film. Three stars.


Re: The Galaxy Tales - Dirk B.

Arguably, the past 5 movies also have not had the magic


Re: The Galaxy Tales - Dirk B.

My favorite remains The Empire Strikes Back. Return of the Jedi could have topped it IMO were it not for the Ewoks. That being said, the confrontation between Luke, Vader, and Palpatine remain my favorite scenes in the franchise.


Re: The Galaxy Tales - Dirk B.

Cool item. According to a new in-canon Star Wars comic, Darth Sidious (aka Emperor Palpatine) impregnated Anakin Skywalker's mother without her knowledge. It would be easy to do for a Force user. This means that Anakin, Luke, and Kylo Ren are all descended from Palpatine. Without access to the comic, I don't know the details, but his tale to Anakin about Darth Plageous the Wise being able to manipulate the midichlorians to create life takes on a whole new level. It's fascinating what you can do when you toss thirty years of canon out the window.