Tried watching The Last Jedi again. Made it to the thirty-minute mark before I got bored. The worst part so far includes Poe's lone attack on a dreadnought with the First Order not launching a single fighter while he takes out all the cannons. Luke's angry-hermit act is also ridiculous, as Mark Hamill told Rian Johnson at the time.
There's much to be said for planning a trilogy if you're going to make three movies. I hope my next draft of Galaxy Tales ends up in better shape. And most especially The Lord of the Earth trilogy.
As a former Star Wars fan, the only way to save this sh*t is to bring Mara Jade (Luke's wife in the novels) back into canon and have her return as the mother of Rey, with Luke as her father, except he didn't know it. That would explain why Rey is so powerful (both parents being strong in the force). She could train Rey and would also make an acceptable replacement for Leia. There's a rumor that's what they may be doing.