
Re: The Galaxy Tales - Dirk B.

Technically, it will be called T to the power of 3. I'll consider T-Cubed, although I don't like it very much. A search for T3 in Canada doesn't even bring up a match for Terminator 3, although Wikipedia in the US lists it as an alternate name for Terminator 3. Maybe T-CUBED. Meh.


Re: The Galaxy Tales - Dirk B.

Since T^3 reminds Amy of Terminator 3, what about: Reliable Systems?

Fyi, I reserve the right to go with T^3, although the name probably won't be explained until well into act one.


Re: The Galaxy Tales - Dirk B.

TCME The Company that ...
OCME One Company to ...

1,179 (edited by Dirk B. 2018-07-08 02:16:19)

Re: The Galaxy Tales - Dirk B.

Rock Solid Systems
100% Uptime

1,180 (edited by Dirk B. 2018-07-08 02:44:20)

Re: The Galaxy Tales - Dirk B.

njc wrote:

TCME The Company that ...
OCME One Company to ...

One Company to Rule Them All


Re: The Galaxy Tales - Dirk B.

Rock Solid Systems is in the lead.


Re: The Galaxy Tales - Dirk B.

Not Rock Bottom?


Re: The Galaxy Tales - Dirk B.

If you produce garbage tech, you need a lofty name.

1,184 (edited by Dirk B. 2018-07-08 22:55:57)

Re: The Galaxy Tales - Dirk B.

Which of the following is better? Both are for the shoddy tech firm that builds everything in the book.

Rock Solid Systems
Lowest Bidder Systems


Re: The Galaxy Tales - Dirk B.

Chapter 39 of v3, Joseph's Sword, is up. It's a cleaned up version of the same chapter from v2. I incorporated reviewer feedback, removed a whole bunch of saids, and cut way back on exclamation marks.


Re: The Galaxy Tales - Dirk B.

Two chapters to go! :-)


Re: The Galaxy Tales - Dirk B.

...and cut way back on exclamation marks

I use way too many exclamation marks. My old editor once said "A dozen per book is about right". I'm probably north of three times this limit. But my characters tend to shout and scream a lot, and it feels awkward to write:

Bob screamed, "Fire."
"I hate you." Bob punched the wall


Re: The Galaxy Tales - Dirk B.

I agree with you, though. Those require an exclamation mark. My opening chapter, though, had dozens.


Re: The Galaxy Tales - Dirk B.

Chapter 40, Post-Battle, is up. It's a cleaned up version of the same chapter from v2. Painful number of edits. I left a few of the larger problems until v4, like the fact that Joseph and Apollo should be at each other's throats. Of course, Joseph is more focused on throwing himself off a cliff.

Only one chapter to go!!! Not sure if I should split it in two. It has a very short final scene for each of the MCs.

Thanks for reading.

1,190 (edited by Dirk B. 2018-08-01 01:28:32)

Re: The Galaxy Tales - Dirk B.

Tried watching The Last Jedi again. Made it to the thirty-minute mark before I got bored. The worst part so far includes Poe's lone attack on a dreadnought with the First Order not launching a single fighter while he takes out all the cannons. Luke's angry-hermit act is also ridiculous, as Mark Hamill told Rian Johnson at the time.

There's much to be said for planning a trilogy if you're going to make three movies. I hope my next draft of Galaxy Tales ends up in better shape. And most especially The Lord of the Earth trilogy.

As a former Star Wars fan, the only way to save this sh*t is to bring Mara Jade (Luke's wife in the novels) back into canon and have her return as the mother of Rey, with Luke as her father, except he didn't know it. That would explain why Rey is so powerful (both parents being strong in the force). She could train Rey and would also make an acceptable replacement for Leia. There's a rumor that's what they may be doing.


Re: The Galaxy Tales - Dirk B.

Tonight's episode of Gilligan's island included a buffet of props and costumes. Phil Silvers guest starred as a producer whose plane went down near the island. According to the radio he was planning a new musical and Ginger pretended to be various Broadway characters as she served him dinner. When she asked for a part in his musical, he laughed at her overacting. To help Ginger, the castaways put on a musical of Hamlet, one of many books that they brought with them on the tour. I've lost count of how many textbooks the professor had on the show over three seasons. They also had fancy butler and maid uniforms for Mr. Howell and his wife, as they were forced to serve Silvers until his rescue boat could arrive. Mr. Howell even had on white gloves. For the musical, they had records and a gramophone from the Howells, crowns and royal robes for a king and queen, multiple wigs, and a fake beard for the Skipper. They wrote silly songs related to Hamlet to go with the records, which were instrumental classics. Silvers slips out at night when his rescue boat arrives. They subsequently hear on the radio that Silvers is planning a musical version of Hamlet, his most brilliant idea to date.

Definitely more entertaining than The Last Jedi so far.


Re: The Galaxy Tales - Dirk B.

You've really taken a dislike to Last Jedi huh

*** SPOILERS ***

I still think if they were gonna kill off Luke they might as well have him die in the final battle. My friend observes that the way they did it means Luke goes out on his own terms - no one gets to kill him or rush him.

Ok, good and proper - go ahead.
a) Look at me! I sit on rocks and turn into pixie-dust!
b) Or I could go poof after single-handedly owning the bad guys.

One of these options looks better on paper.


Re: The Galaxy Tales - Dirk B.

If you go with option a) you get that kickass scene where Luke appears so powerful, he can literally withstand concentrated cannon fire from half a dozen walkers. Too bad i knew the spoiler. Otherwise, I probably would have been cheering in the theatre over that one. My apologies for revealing that before you saw it.


Re: The Galaxy Tales - Dirk B.

Actually, you inspired me to finish watching it... I'd been stuck in the first 30 minutes and would probably not have remembered to watch the rest. Then you were discussing it and I was thinking oh ya, Disney might yank it soon. Guess I better finish


Re: The Galaxy Tales - Dirk B.

Next on my hitlist... make it through any one Transformers movie. Maybe Austin Powers if I can find it


Re: The Galaxy Tales - Dirk B.

Interesting trivia: the episode of Gilligan's Island mentioned above was rated as the third funniest episode of any show of all time by Inside TV Land. TV Guide rated it number 50.


Re: The Galaxy Tales - Dirk B.

Good luck with Transformers. When the autobots fight, all you see is metal on metal all over the screen. A lot like the crazy effects in Dr. Strange.


Re: The Galaxy Tales - Dirk B.

I can't believe Netflix yanked episodes one and two of Lord of the Rings. Fortunately I own the DVDs. Short version, not the interminable extended editions.

1,199 (edited by Dirk B. 2018-08-06 02:22:31)

Re: The Galaxy Tales - Dirk B.

THE LAST JEDI SPOILERS. The final two hours of The Last Jedi aren't as bad as I remember. The ski speeders on Crait were pretty silly, though. Must be old tech. Killing off Snoke near the beginning of his character arc was dumb, but it makes room for Kylo Ren. Not sure why he would put Rey ahead of Snoke, but so be it. I still think they're playing out Jacen Solo's character arc from the non-canon books. It remains to be seen if Rey kills him or not. I'm guessing not. Far too simplistic to kill off the bad guy and have a happy ending. And they definitely should have let Finn take out the cannon on Crait. That would have been a powerful ending for him. Let's face it, they have to start killing off some of the good guys to get down to Kdot's Rule of Two (Two characters left standing? Place your bets!)

1,200 (edited by Dirk B. 2018-08-06 03:09:58)

Re: The Galaxy Tales - Dirk B.

The final chapter of Galaxy Tales is up. It includes minor edits from my v2 reviewers. This book will now be shelved while I switch gears to write The Lord of the Earth. Galaxy Tales needs a major rewrite, where I convert God into two different archangels, one for Joseph and one for Apollo. It's easier to have fun with archangels without being too irreverent to Christians, my target audience.

Seabrass and K, thanks for helping me finish v3.
