1 (edited by Jonathan Caydance 2017-05-21 23:00:26)

Topic: Level of review

Hi. New member. Long time writer. Looking to make connections and give/get reviews. I'm struggling a little trying to pick something to review. I read and write many genres. What I need most is to understand the level of review that writers want. I'd like to know because I've made lifelong enemies by offering constructive criticism or politely disagreeing with someone on other critique sites. And that's not what I want. I want to help and get help. I want to live a drama free life. Because drama is for between the pages.

2 (edited by Randall Krzak 2017-05-21 14:02:55)

Re: Level of review

Welcome, Jonathan. If you like adventure/thrillers, check out my work. I'm open to any and all suggestions. While I'm sometimes bogged down, I do return critiques.  Regards, Randy

Re: Level of review

Welcome to tNBW, Jonathan. I write several genres you may be interested in. I am currently shopping a post-apocalyptic adventure.


Re: Level of review

Welcome, Jonathan. I suggest you become a Premium member. Premium pays points for reviews and requires points to post one's own stuff. This encourages members to review, making it a two-way street, a win-win for both poster and reviewer.

5 (edited by jack the knife 2017-05-21 18:33:06)

Re: Level of review

Sorry, Jonathan. I didn't realize you were already a Premium member. My bad. Looking forward to seeing your postings.

Re: Level of review

B Douglas Slack wrote:

Welcome to tNBW, Jonathan. I write several genres you may be interested in. I am currently shopping a post-apocalyptic adventure.


Thank you, Bill. I'll look into your books.

Re: Level of review

People often tell you in their author's notes.  When they don't, look for what you can offer.  Keep it constructive and welcome criticism yourself even when you disagree with it.  Reviewers should see themselves more as contributing than correcting, an sometimes the author will disagree. (But if two or more reviewers hit the same spot, consider that you may have a problem, even if it's not what they think it is.)

Re: Level of review

Welcome, Jonathan! Just by asking the question, I can tell you're not the kind of person to offend deliberately. I agree with NJC. I check the author's notes, since some people want "big picture" feedback and aren't interested in copy editing / grammatical corrections. I wouldn't worry about ruffling feathers, as long as you keep your comments polite and constructive. Hope you find your time spent here rewarding.

Re: Level of review

njc and Graymartin,

Thank you. I will check the author notes out.

10 (edited by TirzahLaughs 2017-06-16 02:39:12)

Re: Level of review

Some writers want a content review (plot, character, flow).  Other writers want mechanical reviews (punctuation, spelling, fragments).  Most want a blend.    As for offended writers, some authors will always get offended no matter what you do, so you might as well do what you want.

I usually utilize the Oreo method.    Start with something the writer did well (cookie layer),  the middle contains the items that need work (the filling),  then I end with something else they do well or that I admired (cookie layer).  If I read the whole thing then I liked something so that should be easy.

This usually makes the bad more palatable without just kissing butt.    A spoonful of sugar to help the medicine go down.   I've been on a writing break.  I'm just getting back.  I write a lot of different things myself (dark comedy, lite thriller, poetry, drama, fantasy).

As for reviews---feel free to point out any mechanical error I make but I'm more interested in content right now as I'm still forming the material.

11 (edited by Dill Carver 2017-06-16 10:19:00)

Re: Level of review

Jonathan Caydance  wrote:

I've made lifelong enemies by offering constructive criticism or politely disagreeing with someone on other critique sites

It's universal. Expect nothing different here. You are dealing with human nature after all.

Tread very gently until you form relationships; at which point you will know which authors are mature enough to process an 'honest' constructive review.

I'm afraid that many take harsh critique very badly, no matter how valid, honest and constructive the opinion and advice might be. Despite what they might say in a biography etc. there are many authors who will accept nothing other than gushing praise and adoration, no matter whether their prose is pants or priceless.

As I said, human nature. This site is no different to the rest of the world. Like parents with ugly offspring, the majority of amateur writers run upon a heady mixture of inflated ego and disillusion and to those souls, constructive criticism can be deeply wounding. 

However, anyone who wants serious, in-depth totally objective literary opinion that is fair and honest, can pop a chapter into…

The Write Club -- Creative Writing and Literature Discussions Group The Infamous ‘SHRED THREAD’

Not many do. It used to run on the old tNBW site and several writers benefitted hugely from a real, honest nuts and bolts appraisal of their prose. Their writing improved immensely once their eyes were opened.

Narcissists, egotists and the plain deluded? As you say; enemies for life.

Re: Level of review

Welcome Jonathan........Hope you find this site as rewarding as I have. Many good writers and reviewers here that give very valid feedback. My writing has improved greatly from the time and effort many of our members have shared. I write romantic suspense if you care to give it a look. (I have many male fans, so romance is not just for the ladies.....lol) Again, welcome and hope you enjoy....Denise

Re: Level of review

Welcome, Jonathan,
Though I never say what kind of review I would like, I leave it open.  I figure if you're gonna take the time to read my work, I will be pleased with anything you throw at me, good or bad.  Constructive criticism works as well as praise for me.  That's why I post here.  My writing has improved twice over since I became a member of this site in 2008.  And I'm still learning!  So if you ever run across anything of mine that suits your fancy, feel free to share your feelings about it.