Jonathan Caydance wrote:I've made lifelong enemies by offering constructive criticism or politely disagreeing with someone on other critique sites
It's universal. Expect nothing different here. You are dealing with human nature after all.
Tread very gently until you form relationships; at which point you will know which authors are mature enough to process an 'honest' constructive review.
I'm afraid that many take harsh critique very badly, no matter how valid, honest and constructive the opinion and advice might be. Despite what they might say in a biography etc. there are many authors who will accept nothing other than gushing praise and adoration, no matter whether their prose is pants or priceless.
As I said, human nature. This site is no different to the rest of the world. Like parents with ugly offspring, the majority of amateur writers run upon a heady mixture of inflated ego and disillusion and to those souls, constructive criticism can be deeply wounding.
However, anyone who wants serious, in-depth totally objective literary opinion that is fair and honest, can pop a chapter into…
The Write Club -- Creative Writing and Literature Discussions Group → The Infamous ‘SHRED THREAD’
Not many do. It used to run on the old tNBW site and several writers benefitted hugely from a real, honest nuts and bolts appraisal of their prose. Their writing improved immensely once their eyes were opened.
Narcissists, egotists and the plain deluded? As you say; enemies for life.