Re: Acts/ Dictates/ Mandates/ Mantle - Amy's Thread

I can visit Dirk in Canada - I'm in Edmonton every now and again lately - going there next week again. We also have a road trip to Calgary on our list ... And Eleshieva is definitely within visiting distance from me. If all else fails, we can meet until we can have a big together!


Re: Acts/ Dictates/ Mandates/ Mantle - Amy's Thread

Janet...the glue that pulls us together:-)


Re: Acts/ Dictates/ Mandates/ Mantle - Amy's Thread

Janet (AJ) Reid wrote:

It will be beyond super awesome if you could be there too!
Speaking of trips and driving, how is your health going lately?

The muscles that were in good shape (relative to their duties) are pretty much rehabbed.  I'm lucky that my hip swivel exercises were just the right thing.  The muscles that weren't up to their jobs before are still a bit worse.  I have to keep looking for something that will work them in just the right way.

For Amy: The muscles involved are the top (superiorl?) ends of the glutes, especially the maximae, and sometimes the broad bases (inferior?) of the erector spinae.  The upper parts of the erector spinae, the parts that spasm, are not apparently involved, for which I'm grateful.  (I've had back spasms just twice.  They were mild and they were way too much.)

I can carry nearly my normal load of bags, computer, notebooks, etc., and although I still move my cane between my sofa and the car, I can probably just leave it in the car now.

Of course, it would help to strengthen all the leg and hip muscles, but I have to be careful of my knees.  Of course, the more work the hip and thigh muscles do, the less the knee tendons have to do to adjust balance, and the less the stress on the knee cartilage.  My knee cartilage is torn up, with loose bodies in both knees.  I hope I never have a cop demanding I rise from the driver seat on just one leg.

Re: Acts/ Dictates/ Mandates/ Mantle - Amy's Thread

amy s wrote:

Janet...the glue that pulls us together:-)

I think I'm more the magnetic force. You are definitely the glue! smile

Re: Acts/ Dictates/ Mandates/ Mantle - Amy's Thread

njc wrote:

The muscles that were in good shape (relative to their duties) are pretty much rehabbed.  I'm lucky that my hip swivel exercises were just the right thing.  The muscles that weren't up to their jobs before are still a bit worse.  I have to keep looking for something that will work them in just the right way.

Looks like there's been some real progress, which is great news! Now hoping that you find something for the second group of muscles.

njc wrote:

I hope I never have a cop demanding I rise from the driver seat on just one leg.

Keep to the speed limit, make sure your registration etc are up to date and hope for the best! smile


Re: Acts/ Dictates/ Mandates/ Mantle - Amy's Thread

OK, the next chapter of Dictates is up. Mother of God, this stinker took me two weeks to write instead of just an evening. Where does the time go? Oh, yeah. Into work because it's the summer and we're at half strength.

Either way, it's done!  Now to take a moment to breathe and then recip for all you wonderful peeps!


Re: Acts/ Dictates/ Mandates/ Mantle - Amy's Thread

I have the next section with Merran Maybe Almost Ready.  I also have a Maybe Clear Picture of a chapter that I hope won't be more than two beyond it.  I'll try to get something out in a day or two.  And it takes me a lot longer than those few evening hours, by the time the planning is done.

Anyhow, on to your new chapter!


Re: Acts/ Dictates/ Mandates/ Mantle - Amy's Thread

The description I ask for is relevant to the action.


Re: Acts/ Dictates/ Mandates/ Mantle - Amy's Thread



Re: Acts/ Dictates/ Mandates/ Mantle - Amy's Thread

You need to feed all the mouths ... how many mouths are there?

Petra's got a new body and has noticed the differences.  What differences?


Re: Acts/ Dictates/ Mandates/ Mantle - Amy's Thread

Will correct those specifics. Specifics are something I can wrap my head around.


Re: Acts/ Dictates/ Mandates/ Mantle - Amy's Thread

At least Petra won't have to pick out a whole new wardrobe, since the priests all wear the same thing.


Re: Acts/ Dictates/ Mandates/ Mantle - Amy's Thread

Truth. But she's gone from Short and fierce with briwn hair to blonde and something akin to blonde and stacked. Think Geanne Garofolo to Cameron Diaz.


Re: Acts/ Dictates/ Mandates/ Mantle - Amy's Thread

There are significant portions of that scene that you can see in your head so clearly, you don't feel you should write them down


Re: Acts/ Dictates/ Mandates/ Mantle - Amy's Thread

Got it. Will correct this sooner than later. You are saying this is a transistor scene and the rules have changed. Like a description of a forest moving to a rocky trail, I've changed Petra and then failed to describe her transition...despite making the reader expect this content.

Will fix this and repost.


Re: Acts/ Dictates/ Mandates/ Mantle - Amy's Thread

Knowing that you're going to do this, you can set this up ahead.  Hit us with the description of Petra, in repeated pieces, in the previous two chapters.  Likewise the other woman.  You give us a strong picture of the living corpse, but not the bodies involved in a major character and plot event.  Then when you tell us that Petra's hand fumbles over the other woman's breasts, that her arms run into them on the side, we won't be surprised.

Okay, you shouldn't be quite so hamfisted (and male?) but Petra is going to be finding her way around this new body's obstacles for a while,

If you can make us fall in love with both old and new Petra, you can award yourself a double eagle.  (See the opening of =The Woman in White=.)


Re: Acts/ Dictates/ Mandates/ Mantle - Amy's Thread

There are more missing chunks, which I'll try to hit when I reach that point. You're possibly experiencing the fear of overexplaining. It's a legitimate concern.


Re: Acts/ Dictates/ Mandates/ Mantle - Amy's Thread

Fair enough. I can add in the points that you've both pointed out.


Re: Acts/ Dictates/ Mandates/ Mantle - Amy's Thread

I'll have Petra as part of the opening of the next chapter. Lets see if I can make NJC fall in love with the new Petra.

OK, the last chapter's critiques have been added, amended, and applied. Most, if not all of your advice, NJC.



Re: Acts/ Dictates/ Mandates/ Mantle - Amy's Thread

I'm in a twist. Tazar had to go and change my outline. Damnit, who is writing this thing?


Re: Acts/ Dictates/ Mandates/ Mantle - Amy's Thread

Every writer is a Dr. Frankenstein, whose creations may start making their own decisions.

Re: Acts/ Dictates/ Mandates/ Mantle - Amy's Thread

I love some of the stuff my characters stumble into. Big theme for book two just dropped in my lap a couple of chapters ago. One chapter remaining!


Re: Acts/ Dictates/ Mandates/ Mantle - Amy's Thread

I had time to institute your changes to the latest chapter, New Jersey. Now on to figuring out what to do with Tazar.


Re: Acts/ Dictates/ Mandates/ Mantle - Amy's Thread

Great sruff.  I'll add a few suggestions later.


Re: Acts/ Dictates/ Mandates/ Mantle - Amy's Thread

I like the idea of making Tazar's name a single syllable, BTW.