(0 replies, posted in This is US!!)

Hi, All!
Some on-going health issues have kept me MIA this year, but they're finally clearing up (yea!).  SO... here I am again, this time with a request I HOPE is okay to post on here.  Namely: I'm thrilled & honored to have one of my short alt history stories included in the award-winning 'Tales of Alternate Earths' series.  The book just dropped on Amazon Friday - and reached #7 in its category yesterday!  Fist pumps aside, however, we're REALLY in need of reviews.

TO which end: I can provide a free mobi file to anyone here who will seriously commit to posting a review.  If you're up to posting a review on Amazon, just drop me a note at bonnie.milani@yahoo.com so I can send you the file.

Hugs, y'all -


(26 replies, posted in This is US!!)

It's been a number of years since I was active on TNBW so I figure I ought to bring my background up to speed. In the past few years, my novel Home World won the Evvy award in SF. My short story 'A Hot Day on Titan' was nominated for the Theodore Sturgeon Memorial Award'; my novella 'Liquid Gambit' was a Reader's Choice award. I also finally put my training in story structure & development to work by launching my own editorial service (www.bonnie.milani.com).  Between times I've been ghost-writing screenplays & TV pilots for my Industry clients who have great story ideas but no idea how to write them. Last year (2017) I ran break out editorial sessions for the Dublin Writer's Conference (yep, in Dublin).

AND - just this past week a flash fiction piece story "The Good Old Days" was featured on Dave Core's podcast 'Thrills & Mystery".  You can listen right here on either of these links.

Here's a link: http://traffic.libsyn.com/thrillsandmystery/S5_E_10.mp3

Here's a short link: http://bit.ly/2GZ7b9Y

Think that does it.


(1 replies, posted in This is US!!)

Hi, All! 

It's been a number of years since I was on TNBW at all.  Been busy in the interim, so I just posted an update in my TNBW profile, for anybody who'd like to take a peek. Just for the fun of it, though, please allow me to share a treat I received from Dave Core: he featured another of my short (VERY short) stories on his podcast "Thrills & Mystery".  I've embedded the links here just in case any of you'd like to take a listen.

Here's a link: http://traffic.libsyn.com/thrillsandmystery/S5_E_10.mp3

Here's a short link: http://bit.ly/2GZ7b9Y


(26 replies, posted in This is US!!)

HI, Ladies! I just posted the first few pages of my current WIP for your opinions.  It's science fi & giving me a helluva time. Just please remember that it's only about the first third of the story.

I'm now off to see if I can track down the other group postings to review.


(23 replies, posted in This is US!!)

Hi, All!
I've been away for a number of years, so please bear with me - I don't remember all the details of how the old (!) TNBW site worked (though I do remember the points system!), nor do I have any feel for what the site is currently like.  In the interim, I've published several novellas, ghost-written TV pilots for Industry insiders who have the connections but can't write their ways out of the proverbial paper bag, run break out editorial sessions for the Dublin Writer's Conference, and won the 2016 Evvy award for 'Home World'. I'm now a card-carrying member of the Authors' Guild, and back to being a working editor.
Question I have for this group: are we posting just early drafts of WIPs?  I think that's the case. If so, are group members interested in buying each others' books and posting verified purchase reviews on Amazon?  We can run promos & notify each other when we've got a sale or promo going, to make it easier. Is that along the lines of what y'all have in mind?  Or am I off on another planet, as usual?


(26 replies, posted in This is US!!)

Ah, HAH! I THINK I've got it now. I've been posting answers to the Messenger thread, but my guess is that all those bounced.  So, here I am back again. Good to 'see' all your familiar names & faces again!


(2 replies, posted in Marketing Your Writing)

To me - as of tonight, anyway - it'd be a review by a traditional source, e.g., newspaper, A.P., magazine, etc.  This is as opposed to strictly online bloggers or websites


(2 replies, posted in Marketing Your Writing)

I've been reading the 'sales impact of reviews' thread with interest.  I've got 19 Amazon reviews on my sci fi novel, the vast majority of them 5-star & most actually from 'formal' reviewers or buyers.  Yet judging from the royalties I've seen from the publisher, I can't say there's been any impact at all on sales.  And then... I lucked into an enthusiastic mainstream review in The Portsmouth Review - and sales shot up.  Temporarily, of course, but hey...
So now I'm on the prowl for mainstream reviews.  Anybody got any ideas on how to go about that short of stalking?  Not that I'm opposed to stalking, mind.  It's just that you can only stalk so few people at a time.


(11 replies, posted in TheNextBigWriter Premium)

Hey, Vern -
Having clients in the Industry, I've had several agents & producers look at Home World.  Most of them are scared off simply by the size of the book.  HAVE had one producer tell me I should do a TV script for it.  I will, too - but I have to finish at least 2 current projects first.  Of course, if I could just get about another 94,000 folks to buy the book, that'd solve the issue instantly!


(11 replies, posted in TheNextBigWriter Premium)

MWAW!  Thank you, guys!  Having you all share my joy makes the happy dance all that much more delightful!


(11 replies, posted in TheNextBigWriter Premium)

Thank 'ee kindly, NJC!  Tell ya, I'm going to commit that review to memory!


(11 replies, posted in TheNextBigWriter Premium)

Hi, All you wonderful, glorious, compatriots!  Please share my happy dance at this FANTASTIC review that appeared in the mainstream The Portsmouth Review:  http://portsmouthreview.com/home-world- … ok-review/
I promise I'm coming back on here - really. Truly.  In this lifetime even...

Hugs to you all
Bonnie Milani


(3 replies, posted in TheNextBigWriter Premium)

I'm still picking myself up from the floor - so of course you guys are the first folk I have to share with.  I just got a note from Orson Scott Card - he's bought a copy of 'Home World'!   He was even kind enough to say he's looking forward to the read!  About the only way to describe my feeling is
http://www.usmagazine.com/entertainment … eo-2015162


(14 replies, posted in TheNextBigWriter Premium)

Oh!  I'm an idiot (you already knew that, didn't you?)  BUT...the publisher is running a promo this week!  At least I think it's this week...  To get a discount on the trade paperback, follow this link & enter the promo code SpringSale when (if) you place an order:
http://www.promontorypress.com/books/bo … home-world


(14 replies, posted in TheNextBigWriter Premium)

I just realized I never answered Janet's request.  Home World is out at Amazon, Nook, Kindle, AND carried by the Indigo / Chapters bookstore chain in Canada.  Amazon link, where you can do the sneak peak preview is here:
http://www.amazon.com/Home-World-Bonnie … nie+milani
I've got a couple of great full-cinematic trailers I'll try to post later, too.


(14 replies, posted in TheNextBigWriter Premium)

Blessed art thou, Mrs. Piddles!  Only... do brag Home World up a LOT?  Now we've got the book ON the shelves, I've got to make sure it flies OFF the shelves!
Hugs, and many thanks for the kind words!


(14 replies, posted in TheNextBigWriter Premium)

You guys are SO wonderful!  Thank you all for the kinds words!


(14 replies, posted in TheNextBigWriter Premium)

Hi, All -
It has been a LOOOOONNNNNGGGG time since I posted anything here on TNBW.  But for those of you who remember me, I just had to share an ego boo:  my sci fi novel HOME WORLD (think the version I work shopped here is still up here, somewhere...) is NOW ON THE SHELVES AT BARNES & NOBLE!   Not just published, but physically ON THE SHELVES!  Think picking up my own book off a B & N bookstore is the closest i'll ever come to holding my first-born in my hand.  Now I just have to make sure it doesn't become an only child!
Hugs to all of you who kept my spirits up in some dark times!
Bonnie Milani

BIMMS!  DAHLINK!  I've been away too long to know the current ropes - but saw your post & just had to say 'hi'!


(257 replies, posted in TheNextBigWriter Premium)

Hey, Sol -
Wow, new version looks fantastic!  I've been away for many months also, so this is a most welcome & refreshing re-introduction to my favorite writer's site.  CONGRATS on pulling the rebirth off!  Mazel Tov!