2 2018-12-12 06:21:58
Re: Strongest Start 2018 Finalists (15 replies, posted in TheNextBigWriter Premium)
3 2015-09-03 06:39:36
Re: Apple Drabble Competition Winner (13 replies, posted in TheNextBigWriter Premium)
4 2015-07-10 18:02:22
Re: Bonus Points (23 replies, posted in TheNextBigWriter Premium)
Norm, I like your idea better. That would make more sense.
JL, since it would be optional the author could go back and do it at any time...even like a month down the road when they've had more time to do reviews.
5 2015-07-10 16:22:51
Topic: Bonus Points (23 replies, posted in TheNextBigWriter Premium)
The Endurance Points thread got me thinking.
Would anyone support author give Bonus Points.
I mean some people like grammar and spelling reviews while others ask more for "does the story work" kind of reviews. Many times the type of review requested is in the details section but I often see the request ignored (yes, I read other peoples reviews of your work...I'd like to be a better reviewer ).
So, say you get a review that was exactly what you were looking for in a review then you could opt to give bonus points.
Maybe it could be something like 25% of the total value of points given for that review.
6 2015-07-09 21:49:41
Re: Endurance Points (32 replies, posted in TheNextBigWriter Premium)
I don't even have a book to post and I love this idea.
8 2015-06-26 20:18:05
Re: New Drabble Writing Competition (11 replies, posted in TheNextBigWriter Premium)
Is it really open allow to members of the Cop Shop?
10 2015-06-12 16:45:00
Re: Strongest Start 2015 Winners (15 replies, posted in TheNextBigWriter Premium)
11 2015-06-06 22:30:17
Re: Medieval vs... (11 replies, posted in Fantasy/Magic & Sci-Fi)
Thanks Dirk. Good idea.
Karin, btw, thanks for the input. I'll look those authors up. I'm hoping to read some stuff and hopefully pick up on some themes and ect.
12 2015-06-06 06:41:53
Re: Medieval vs... (11 replies, posted in Fantasy/Magic & Sci-Fi)
I have been down to South America.
I was thinking of doing something with a bit of a Mayan flair. Mostly because they're the only group that I know off. I'm just not sure what story I want to tell. I would like there to be magic users and warriors. That is about as far as I got though.
Apocalypto was pretty awesome by the way.
13 2015-06-05 22:52:41
Re: Medieval vs... (11 replies, posted in Fantasy/Magic & Sci-Fi)
Thanks njc. I'll bookmark those. I'll looking for a little inspiration.
I'm thinking about doing something that has a south american feel but the problem is....I really don't know what that means.
14 2015-06-05 17:30:52
Topic: Medieval vs... (11 replies, posted in Fantasy/Magic & Sci-Fi)
So, a thought was sparked while reading someone's piece.
With Fantasy Stories, at least the kinds with swords, magic, and maybe fantastical beast, you usually get a medieval Europe setting. We've seen it with almost every fantasy story we've read that doesn't have a modern setting.
My question is, can anyone cite an example of a good (or popular) fantasy story that is "medieval" but not in a Europe type setting.
Like, has someone read a story about Incan mages and their fight against something?
I'll give an example: Throne of the Crescent Moon by Saladin Ahmed. It is about a magic user and his disciple but has a middle east setting.
15 2015-05-31 15:05:25
Re: writing software - does anyone use it? recommendations ... (11 replies, posted in TheNextBigWriter Premium)
I tried Scrivener too. It was good but frankly it was too much.
I liked that I could do independent chapters and reorder them but without a strong grammer and spell check I'm out on it. Plus, the conversion to Word (something they called compile) was so confusing as to not be useful. Overall, I think it was a good tool but just not for me. My skills as a writer don't need a full toolbox at this stage....just the large hammer of sit-down-and-write-stupid.
16 2015-05-31 03:53:45
Re: Short Story Contest (25 replies, posted in Cop Shop)
Oh man. I started on my story for this contest forever ago. Then I was sick as hell for like three weeks and now I'm down to the wire. I'm going to post but I apologize for its lack of polish. Just in case anyone reads it.
17 2015-04-30 06:56:33
Re: The Winner (9 replies, posted in Fantasy/Magic & Sci-Fi)
Thanks Janet.
18 2015-04-28 15:55:51
Re: The Winner (9 replies, posted in Fantasy/Magic & Sci-Fi)
Thanks Gods Ghost.
Someone gave me an idea during one of their reviews for a Rosebud origin story. I'll start that story after I finish the one I'm writing for the Cop Shop contest.
19 2015-04-28 00:23:28
Re: The Winner (9 replies, posted in Fantasy/Magic & Sci-Fi)
Thanks Don and PByrd.
20 2015-04-27 15:23:43
Re: The Winner (9 replies, posted in Fantasy/Magic & Sci-Fi)
OMG! I won. I'm so stoked.
Honestly, so stoked. I've never won any writing anything before. I'm a little giddy.
Thanks Amy.
Thanks KHippolite and njc for the sportsmanship. I appreciate it.
Thanks to everyone who entered for the stiff competition.
Time to go write.
21 2015-04-10 06:15:00
Re: Contest! (74 replies, posted in Fantasy/Magic & Sci-Fi)
So I posted my story "Rosebud Lives" for the contest. I created it just for this contest.
I'll be reviewing the other entries soon. Good luck everyone.
22 2015-04-02 23:36:48
Re: Contest! (74 replies, posted in Fantasy/Magic & Sci-Fi)
Funny you guys.
Should we start talking trash yet.
Like, my story is so good it's better than an ice cold Mojito on a hot Havannan day.
Just kidding. No trash talking. But I hope you guys don't win.
23 2015-04-02 16:48:40
Re: Contest! (74 replies, posted in Fantasy/Magic & Sci-Fi)
I saw the submission. I'll review in the next few days.
I'm glad I'm not alone.
24 2015-04-02 07:47:00
Re: Contest! (74 replies, posted in Fantasy/Magic & Sci-Fi)
I'll enter.
Deadline is April 22nd. I'll likely post in a week and a half from today as I'm working on several stories right now.
I like the "Big Power" prompt.
Per the contest page, there are currently no entries. BTW. Just in case someone thought they posted something.