For those reading this, how do you organize your notes? I have a names bible in a spreadsheet, but mostly I have one long Word document (about 120 pages and growing), most of it notes from what I thought was important in each of the study guides. Naturally the notes are organized by study guide, or by topic in the case of other research for the books. The file also contains growing notes for each of the three books I will eventually use for the outlines.
My biggest problem is taking all the research notes and applying them to the trilogy and, more specifically, to the individual books. If the notes were in a spreadsheet, I could flag each item by book number (some items would appear in more than one book.) Such a spreadsheet would be huge, with cells that are half a page long. It would, however allow me to sort by book number to geta complete list of all notes related to a specific book. This would be a ton of work to create and I'm sure there would be a lot of vague cases where I don't know where to put it. It also wouldn't allow me to sort in chronological order, so that I can see what belongs in each chapter of the novels, unless I include that in the spreadsheet as well.
Currently I colour code important and very important notes in green and red, respectively. Short of creating such a massive spreadsheet, I'm left with the idea that I have to read each note throughout the Word file and then copy the note into every outline to which it applies (books i, ii, or iii). This seems just as unwieldy as the spreadsheet.