Re: Satan's Last Stand (the Connor series) - Dirk B.

njc wrote:

'Unholy' is a negated word.  I don't have the thesaurus hand, but if you can find an intrinsicly negative word, it might be stronger.

And try dropping the article.

"Dire" is always fun

Dire Angel
Dire Rapture

Re: Satan's Last Stand (the Connor series) - Dirk B.

njc wrote:

'Unholy' is a negated word.  I don't have the thesaurus hand, but if you can find an intrinsicly negative word, it might be stronger.

And try dropping the article.

Unholy Trinity is a phrase commonly used by Christians to refer to Satan, the Antichrist, and the False Prophet.

53 (edited by Norm d'Plume 2018-02-16 17:51:41)

Re: Satan's Last Stand (the Connor series) - Dirk B.

Awesome! I double-checked and Rise of the Unholy Trinity is not a book but is part of a series of sermons/podcasts. The full title of one of the sermons is Revelation: Rise of the Unholy Trinity. I'm good to go.

Re: Satan's Last Stand (the Connor series) - Dirk B.

Woohoo! Finished making notes from my main Revelation study guide. According to the Catholic Church, a lot of it is purely symbolic, which can be both good and bad. Bad because it's not always clear what the verses are symbolic of and good because I have some freedom to interpret it for myself. Next step is to review several of the other study guides to see if I can fill in a few blanks. Then comes the Catholic New Testament study guide. That's going to be a bitch since I need details of many of the places Jesus visited and the miracles he performed. And there are quite a few short NT books I've never even read before. Tsk.

Re: Satan's Last Stand (the Connor series) - Dirk B.

Sadly, it's almost time to pull details together for tax season, and I still have a dozen chapters to edit of the old book.

Re: Satan's Last Stand (the Connor series) - Dirk B.

Bloody hell! My new accountant thinks I should file FBAR forms with the IRS for all my Canadian bank and investment accounts. There goes an afternoon/evening. I swear they're going to dig up my grave looking for gold in my teeth. Maybe I should just put them in my will.

Re: Satan's Last Stand (the Connor series) - Dirk B.

Norm d'Plume wrote:

I swear they're going to dig up my grave looking for gold in my teeth. Maybe I should just put them in my will.

Sure fire way to have to fill out post-mortem paperwork in the afterlife


Re: Satan's Last Stand (the Connor series) - Dirk B.

Declare the pennies on your eyes.

Re: Satan's Last Stand (the Connor series) - Dirk B.

Make it simpler. Find another accountant.

Re: Satan's Last Stand (the Connor series) - Dirk B.

I think I found the ultimate Catholic study guide for Revelation. The author spent ten years researching and writing it. Eight hundred pages, including many of the private prophecies (to saints, seers, etc.) that I've read about but can't interpret or fit into a timeline. I figured for $10 on Kindle, what the heck. Another week or two of reading and note-taking. For those keeping score, that's eight study guides.

Re: Satan's Last Stand (the Connor series) - Dirk B.

I am not worthy!

Re: Satan's Last Stand (the Connor series) - Dirk B.

You're writing 4-5 books at once. I'm just an unworthy tax collector. I collect K's taxes to pay my bills. I'm going to put him in my will. K, you'll get all the rights to Into the Mind of God. You can replace Queen Aussie with a blue smurf.

Re: Satan's Last Stand (the Connor series) - Dirk B.

Will him your research books too. Those can fill up his garage. I can't imagine that your religious collection is very small. I remember a cartoon of an old guy walking with a walker. He waves his arm expansively to his son, standing in front of a stuffed-to-the-gills storage locker. The caption read, "And soon, this will all be yours..."

Re: Satan's Last Stand (the Connor series) - Dirk B.

Have to add this to K's inheritance: … +Timelines

Re: Satan's Last Stand (the Connor series) - Dirk B.

I sleep 1- 2 hrs a night. I'll drop off long before you.

Re: Satan's Last Stand (the Connor series) - Dirk B.

Finally did something tonight besides decrypting Revelation. Wrote one lousy paragraph of dialog explaining orphan Connor's family history. Kept getting sidetracked by things I need to research: Italian given names, Italian surnames, Italian Police (very different structure from North America), Vatican City State Police, including ranks and uniforms (no direct equivalent to detective in a trench coat), Glock 17 semi-automatic pistols, allergies to gold (didn't know there was such a thing), etc. Wasted way too much time trying to slip the name Angel (Angelo) into the family, but since the name Connor is in the book, the link to the TV series was too obvious. Names will be the death of me.

Re: Satan's Last Stand (the Connor series) - Dirk B.

Woohoo! Taxes done. Tomorrow I get to celebrate with a big grocery shopping trip in foot deep snow. I'm down to oatmeal and a few slices of bread. This'll be a chance to see how well my all-season tires perform.

Re: Satan's Last Stand (the Connor series) - Dirk B.

Swish and slide

Re: Satan's Last Stand (the Connor series) - Dirk B.

For those reading this, how do you organize your notes? I have a names bible in a spreadsheet, but mostly I have one long Word document (about 120 pages and growing), most of it notes from what I thought was important in each of the study guides. Naturally the notes are organized by study guide, or by topic in the case of other research for the books. The file also contains growing notes for each of the three books I will eventually use for the outlines.

My biggest problem is taking all the research notes and applying them to the trilogy and, more specifically, to the individual books. If the notes were in a spreadsheet, I could flag each item by book number (some items would appear in more than one book.) Such a spreadsheet would be huge, with cells that are half a page long. It would, however allow me to sort by book number to geta complete list of all notes related to a specific book. This would be a ton of work to create and I'm sure there would be a lot of vague cases where I don't know where to put it. It also wouldn't allow me to sort in chronological order, so that I can see what belongs in each chapter of the novels, unless I include that in the spreadsheet as well.

Currently I colour code important and very important notes in green and red, respectively. Short of creating such a massive spreadsheet, I'm left with the idea that I have to read each note throughout the Word file and then copy the note into every outline to which it applies (books i, ii, or iii). This seems just as unwieldy as the spreadsheet.



Re: Satan's Last Stand (the Connor series) - Dirk B.

I may have a solution. Word allows you to sort tables by up to three criteria. That way I could put all bible study notes in order by either study guide, novel number, etc. It's a lot of work to set this up, but it really should be in tables to manage the data. I'll have to play with it to see if it's doable. I hope word can handle an incredibly long table, otherwise this will be a huge waste of time.

Re: Satan's Last Stand (the Connor series) - Dirk B.

Excel might be the better choice. Sort 655535 rows by any number of columns.

Re: Satan's Last Stand (the Connor series) - Dirk B.

Good to know. Thank you.

Re: Satan's Last Stand (the Connor series) - Dirk B.

My husband recommends excel.

Air table is for android phones. Maybe do a google for flow charts?

Re: Satan's Last Stand (the Connor series) - Dirk B.

I'm better at Excel than Word tables, so Excel it is. I thought the conversion was going to be a nightmare (80 pages of notes just for the study guides), but I can copy and past whole sections of bullets from my notes file into either an individual cell (for related bullets) or spanning multiple vertical cells for unrelated bullets. MS Office 2007 rocks! tongue

75 (edited by Norm d'Plume 2018-03-05 18:02:49)

Re: Satan's Last Stand (the Connor series) - Dirk B.

Cool! Even color coding comes across. This is going to take at most a day. I'm sure something will bite me in rear before this is done.