Re: Satan's Last Stand (the Connor series) - Dirk B.

A trunk of cash fits in well with his character. You have this guy with a large amount of worthless valuables. And he's trying to extend it in ways that only work in a cash-based society. Clearly, someone with that kind of thinking pattern will always carry a trunk full of money.

Ginger not so easy. Why bring so much clothing on a 3-hr trip? Maybe the trip was part of a longer stay-over and she had nowhere else to store her luggage? I don't recall Maryanne dressing with much variety, but I haven't seen it since it was on the air, and back then they were probably still making Scooby Doo's, so what would I know.

Now, how exactly you get batteries to recharge using little more than coconut water and aloe leaves, that seems more absurd than a trunk of money. Or magic.

Re: Satan's Last Stand (the Connor series) - Dirk B.

The professor provided so much detail, I always assumed it was real. Coconut shells, seawater, metal strips, wire, pennies, etc.: the wire coming from the pennies leads to the positive pole of the battery. Metal strips on the other side of the coconut, lead to the negative pole of the battery.

Early in season one, Ginger regularly wore a dress made from a tarp with the words SS Minnow on it.

I own the entire series. :-)

Re: Satan's Last Stand (the Connor series) - Dirk B.

Nineteen chapters of Revelation converted to notes, including the defeat of the Antichrist and the False Prophet. Satan's defeat is next. Only three chapters to go!

The bad news is that the Catholic study guide I'm using says that the defeat of Satan and his minions is a spiritual battle, not a physical one. Jesus slays the opposing armies with a sword coming out of his mouth (i.e. the word of God). They didn't convert in spite of countless disastrous warnings from God (seven seals, seven trumpets, seven woes), so I'm guessing seeing a preacher-king on a white horse isn't going to hold much sway either. Interestingly, Jesus arrives from heaven with his armies of angels and followers, yet He personally slays the armies of the world by himself. So why the show of force?

Protestant Dispensationalists interpret Revelation as involving a real battle on Armageddon, so the Catholic interpretation is rather anticlimactic, which isn't what you want at the end of a trilogy. Needs work.

P.S. New title for the book series: Satan's Last Stand. Seems like it might be an equally appealing title to Christians and non-Christians. Requiem for Heaven and Earth was a little too obscure given that many Christians don't understand the imagery behind Revelation. Some parishes don't even like to teach it out of fear of scaring Christians.

Re: Satan's Last Stand (the Connor series) - Dirk B.

This title is better than the previous, but suggests the ending. How's about "Satan's Last"?

Re: Satan's Last Stand (the Connor series) - Dirk B.

Hello, Norm.

"Satan's Last Stand" gives away too much. 'Last stand' implies a loss. I don't know if you want to reveal that in the title. Yah, everyone knows the good guys always win. But what's the point of reading if you've already removed any doubt about that? If the story you're trying to tell results in heaven on Earth, why not flip the title and go with 'God's Last Stand'? I suppose 'Jesus Part Deux' is out. 'Jesus Triumphant' has a nice ring, but it would be even cooler if you offed him in the opening chapter.

Maybe 'The Shepherd Returns' or 'Walks the Shepherd' or such. i don't know. But to me, 'Satan's Last Stand' just seems to give away too much. Unless you told the story from Satan's POV and tried to make him out to be the good guy trying to save Earth...

31 (edited by Norm d'Plume 2018-02-11 21:45:44)

Re: Satan's Last Stand (the Connor series) - Dirk B.

This title thing is going to be the death of me. The story will ultimately come down to a battle between Satan and Christ, but with a twist: Satan has a plan that might allow him to destroy Christ, in spite of the Revelation prophecies. If Satan wins, God the Father has agreed to allow him to rule Earth forever. Satan might end up destroying the Trinity in the process.

Revenge of the Unholy Trinity
Satan's Treachery
Battle for the Earth
Battle for Heaven and Earth
Satan's Final Deception
Satan's Hail Mary (just kidding)
Satan vs. God
Satan's Last Stand
Last Stand of the Unholy Trinity

Last/Final doesn't mean he will lose, just that it's the last battle in human history. Winner take all.


Re: Satan's Last Stand (the Connor series) - Dirk B.

I should add that it becomes clear during book one that all is not going as prophesied by John, Daniel, and the other prophets.

33 (edited by Norm d'Plume 2018-02-11 17:17:05)

Re: Satan's Last Stand (the Connor series) - Dirk B.

I've exhausted my search for synonyms that could replace Satan's Last Stand. Regardless how I word the title, Christians already know the ending and expect it to go a certain way. Satan has to lose in the end, although the Antichrist's fate and that of his followers will not go as planned. The only other title I can think of is Revenge of the Unholy Trinity. Neither title has been used before, based on a search on Amazon. Technically, this story is partly about revenge, but that's not the central theme. The Unholy Trinity (Satan, Antichrist, and False Prophet) use deception to attack the Church (events known as the Great Tribulation in Revelation), followed by the final battle against Christ on Armageddon (Mount Megiddo).

Re: Satan's Last Stand (the Connor series) - Dirk B.

Satan's Apocalyptic Treachery
Satan's Unholy Trinity
Satan's Revenge

Re: Satan's Last Stand (the Connor series) - Dirk B.

I recommend migrating away from a title containing "Satan". You might best use a temp title. I have stories I haven't chosen a title for in like 3 decades (403's title for example, for the past 4 years was "Lizzie" and before that it was 10y as "Ultimate Soldier" until I realized she was anything but.).

There is no shame in waiting until after you've written the novel to give it a title. Even then, the publisher may scrap your title, so don't marry it.

Re: Satan's Last Stand (the Connor series) - Dirk B.

The Battle of Thermopylae had an unavoidable ending for King Leonidas and his 300 Spartans, but it still made for a story so compelling, it's still told to this day, 2500 years later.

Re: Satan's Last Stand (the Connor series) - Dirk B.

Kdot wrote:

I recommend migrating away from a title containing "Satan". You might best use a temp title. I have stories I haven't chosen a title for in like 3 decades (403's title for example, for the past 4 years was "Lizzie" and before that it was 10y as "Ultimate Soldier" until I realized she was anything but.).

There is no shame in waiting until after you've written the novel to give it a title. Even then, the publisher may scrap your title, so don't marry it.

Satan is a word designed to draw in both thriller readers and Christians. The Unholy Trinity would be an alternate term to use in the title. I'm leaning toward the latter.

Re: Satan's Last Stand (the Connor series) - Dirk B.

Based on the Spartan example, I'm satisfied with Last Stand of the Unholy Trinity. As I mentioned earlier, it doesn't mean Satan will lose, just that it's the final battle in history.

Re: Satan's Last Stand (the Connor series) - Dirk B.

Last change: The Unholy Trinity Unleashed.

Re: Satan's Last Stand (the Connor series) - Dirk B.

I think you finally have one I can't pick apart. I mentally toyed with dropping the word unholy, but "Trinity Unleashed" is a book I'd expect to see on a bishop's desk. Thus, I believe you have it best in its current form.

The Spartan example doesn't quite match. Imagine that "The Battle of Thermopylae" was actually "The last battle of Leonitas". Not a big deal - I'd still watch a movie with a title like that. But I'd watch it with certain expectations that might rob the ending of some of its impact.

I concede lots of titles predict their endings (Death of a Salesman? Knight Fall? Empire Strikes Back?). Even Last Unicorn helps guide me to the ending where we find out she's anything but the last.

41 (edited by Norm d'Plume 2018-02-12 13:17:55)

Re: Satan's Last Stand (the Connor series) - Dirk B.

If it was just Satan as a character in my book, I would have stayed with Satan's Last Stand. I don't mind giving away that he dies (spoiler alert :-), but without telling how desperate he is and what he almost succeeds in doing. Many Christians know what's supposed to happen to the devil, as do some non-Christians. I toyed with Last Stand of the Unholy Trinity, but that title is too long.  The Unholy Trinity's Last Stand doesn't sound as good as the The Unholy Trinity Unleashed. Now I've got a cool title that's never been used and doesn't give away the ending. I can die happy now.

42 (edited by Norm d'Plume 2018-02-12 13:23:06)

Re: Satan's Last Stand (the Connor series) - Dirk B.

Oh dear! I'm almost done converting my study guide into notes (two chapters to go) and just found out that the final battle with Satan should be read allegorically, not literally. I have yet to figure out what that means, since Jesus destroys the Antichrist's armies with a sword coming out of his mouth (His words?), while the rest of of God's enemies (so called Gog and Magog from Old Testament prophecy) are destroyed by fire coming down from heaven. The last chapter I studied includes the judgment of unrepentant sinners, who get thrown into the lake of fire. This is wrath of God stuff, so I don't know how to read it allegorically. So far, the Catholic forum I'm on doesn't have any useful suggestions either. Neither does the Catechism of the Catholic Church.

Re: Satan's Last Stand (the Connor series) - Dirk B.

That's a longer topic... I'll try to offer something on it later tonight

Re: Satan's Last Stand (the Connor series) - Dirk B.

Kind of like the 1/4 mike of ship chain used to pull the dragon out of the water in game of thrones. North of the wall. In the middle of nowhere, while the army of dead only carries swords and weapons.

I nearly lost my shit right there.

Back on track...

Book title ideas
Rapture of the Antichrist
Revelations Within the Rapture
The Day of Rapture
The Body of Christ
Second Son
Reborn In The Rapture

45 (edited by Norm d'Plume 2018-02-14 02:35:21)

Re: Satan's Last Stand (the Connor series) - Dirk B.

Thanks, Amy. While the Catholic Church recognizes a form of rapture, it's a much bigger deal for Fundamentalists and some Evangelicals. They believe they will be carried up to heaven immediately before Christ's return. Then there is a literal 1000 years with Christ reigning on earth, followed by the rise of the Antichrist & False Prophet, the unleashing of Satan, a few years of chaos, Jesus killing whoever he needs to, then final judgment. I may have some of the timeline wrong, but they believe they will not need to suffer the Great Tribulation because they won't be here.

EDIT: The Bible and Catholic Church don't use the term rapture at all.  I Thessalonians 4:16-17 says this: We who are alive and remain shall be caught up, shall be caught up together with them in the clouds. This is as close as Scripture gets to anything representing the rapture. It was meant to console early Christians that they would be reunited with loved ones.

I was looking for a title that might appeal to both thriller readers and Christians, like the "Exorcist". I've settled on The Unholy Trinity Unleashed for the time being. I wanted Satan's Last Stand, but K and Seabrass have me convinced for now not to give away the ending. I don't really, since it doesn't mean all three antagonists die, just that Satan knows he's supposed to die, so he sets events in motion that attempt to change the final outcome.

My biggest headache right now is that the (best) Catholic study guide that I selected as the basis for end time events says to treat key end time events as allegory, like the battle at Armageddon (Mount Megiddo). I wasn't planning to have an actual battle, since that's another Protestant belief, but Revelation makes pretty clear that Jesus/The Father literally destroy the enemies of God. The book says Jesus personally destroys the Antichrist's armies with a sword that comes out of His mouth. The study guide says that's a reference to Christ's holy words, which I agree with, but then the guide doesn't explain how that's supposed to happen. Is His preaching so powerful that all evildoers just drop dead at hearing it? If so, why was there no such power displayed in the Gospels?

Re: Satan's Last Stand (the Connor series) - Dirk B.

Found an article on that confirms Jesus destroys the armies of the Antichrist with his Word. Talk about power! Gives a whole new meaning to the statement "Make it so." Fortunately, my story was never meant to go there, even though an all-out battle for the Earth would have been cool as an ending for the trilogy.

Re: Satan's Last Stand (the Connor series) - Dirk B.

Sounds like Christ got ahold of my writing techniques, “and then cool things happen” as an outline for ten chapters:-)

Re: Satan's Last Stand (the Connor series) - Dirk B.

Minor tweak to the name of the trilogy. The Unholy Trinity Unleashed was inappropriate, since it suggests someone else set them loose/is in control. Technically, God is, but that's not an idea I want to put in the reader's head at the outset.

Re: Satan's Last Stand (the Connor series) - Dirk B.

Nuts. A similar title, Rise of the Unholy Trinity, is already in use.

50 (edited by njc 2018-02-16 10:08:51)

Re: Satan's Last Stand (the Connor series) - Dirk B.

'Unholy' is a negated word.  I don't have the thesaurus hand, but if you can find an intrinsicly negative word, it might be stronger.

And try dropping the article.